Stanzilla / WoWUIBugs

World of Warcraft UI Bug Tracker
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Targeted units nameplates do no longer show up beyond `nameplateMaxDistance` since 10.2.6 #542

Closed cont1nuity closed 2 months ago

cont1nuity commented 3 months ago

Previous to 10.2.6 the nameplate of a unit would be shown when targeted regardless of range to the unit. It showed when you were able to see/target the unit in all cases. This is no longer the case and likely a change introduced for Plunderstorm to not be able to see the nameplate of far away players.

Tercioo commented 3 months ago

I can confirm this bug is still happening.

Yakehira commented 2 months ago

Looks like this was recently fixed, no longer encountering this bug.