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Crafting orders UI (and presumably API) still returns empty "categories" even if entire category would be populated by orders from ignored players #545

Open rowaasr13 opened 3 months ago

rowaasr13 commented 3 months ago

This is example of fresh order list from start of this week. When there are many orders UI starts to collapse them by item. Clicking on each of this category (literally) reveals "No orders found" result list, because each and every order is made by those players who are listing "10g, no materials" orders repeatedly for whatever (presumably scamming) reasons.

Those orders are removed from in individual listing, but the "aggregated category" is still displayed even if it completely consist of those ignored order. In situation depicted on screenshot you have to manually click each one of several dozens item to see if there any "real" orders among them or just to confirm that list is essentially empty.

Entire item category should be hidden if it has only ignored orders inside


AcidWeb commented 3 months ago

The word you looking for is "bucket".

Not sure if that qualifies as a UI bug - It is more like a flaw in design. Also fixing it might be far from trivial as the contents of the bucket are not delivered to the client at all until the user click it.

rowaasr13 commented 2 months ago

I see many of suggestion for improvements posted there and even if it is not populated right now, backend could definitely populate flag "consists only of ignored players" for any bucket.

One order hidden inside two pages of empty buckets or even zero orders at all because each one is empty making the page pretty much unusable.