Stanzilla / WoWUIBugs

World of Warcraft UI Bug Tracker
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UPDATE_UI_WIDGET for Dragonriding firing with inaccurate widget info, tested on 10.2.6 and 10.2.7 #548

Open Yakehira opened 2 months ago

Yakehira commented 2 months ago

I've noticed this primarily on Dragonriding mounts, when doing the Daycare Racing daily but not limited to that it very often occurs that it bugs out the widget system.

The widget returns shownstate 1 and shows numFullFrames as 0

But sadly there is even more messed up stuff as a result of whatever is causing the issues here.

UnitPowerMax("player", Enum.PowerType.AlternateMount) will now return the Vigor Max despite unmounted when the expected result is 0 C_PlayerInfo.GetGlidingInfo has issues too, it can return nil and is also not fast the canGlide value it returns is not very responsive so depending on it will add random delay to my own addon attempting to show it's own vigor ui if i depend on it.

:\ Really would be nice to see this fixed, so i can properly trust the shownState on the widget

This affects the default UI not just addons.

Broken double vigor bar image Vigor bar visible without being mounted at all image

Ghostopheles commented 2 months ago

Issue #527 is another pain point regarding this widget, and probably contributes to at least some of the issues mentioned here.