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Click casting may not save bindings for certain spells #560

Open Meorawr opened 2 months ago

Meorawr commented 2 months ago

The click casting settings panel can sometimes forget newly assigned bindings on certain spells when the Save button is clicked.

This may relate to spell overrides in some manner. The spell used in the test case below is Purify Spirit (ID 77130), however when clicking the spell in the spellbook the click casting panel is given the ID of the base spell Cleanse Spirit (ID 440012).

Test case

  1. Log in as a Shaman character and change specialization to Restoration.
  2. Open the click casting settings panel.
  3. Find Purify Spirit in the spellbook and attempt to bind it to a mouse button.
  4. Click "Save" on the click casting panel.
  5. Re-open the click casting settings panel.

Upon reaching step 5, the click casting settings panel will have lost the assigned binding for Purify Spirit.