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Cataclysm & SoD: missing functions for UNIT_AURA new API #561

Open mrbuds opened 2 months ago

mrbuds commented 2 months ago

GameTooltip is missing functions for using AuraInstanceID

AuraUtil.ForEachAura is also a useful function missing, but this one is done in Lua

Left = Dragonflight - Right = Cataclysm beta

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Tested on

mrbuds commented 1 month ago

I'll add that C_TooltipInfo.GetUnitBuffByAuraInstanceID and C_TooltipInfo.GetUnitDebuffByAuraInstanceID are missing on classic & classic_era

To get tooltip of an aura we need to get their index instead of their auraInstanceID The API we have available that return data from auraInstanceID doesn't return aura's index, so to get an aura's index we have to iterate all buffs/debuffs The loop over all auras we have to make to get their index kinda defeat the value of the new aura api index on auraInstanceID