Stanzilla / WoWUIBugs

World of Warcraft UI Bug Tracker
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Feature: Attribute to disable default Blizzard bags so that they don't attempt to render #571

Open plusmouse opened 1 month ago

plusmouse commented 1 month ago

This avoids the frame rate dropping from custom bags triggering a second render.

The extra render causes the time spent on the bags to double, dropping the fps by 10 instead of 5 or no drop.

Editing ContainerFrame_AllowedToOpenBags to add

function ContainerFrame_AllowedToOpenBags()
  if not C_GameModeManager.IsFeatureEnabled(Enum.GameModeFeatureSetting.Bags) then
    return false;

  return not UIParent:GetAttribute("BlizzardBagsDisabled") and UIParent:IsShown() and CanOpenPanels();

would resolve this issue

Cidan commented 1 month ago
