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Cata Classic bug: GetSpellCooldown(spellId) returns incorrect values #576

Open Ulidan opened 1 month ago

Ulidan commented 1 month ago

In Cata Classic: local start, duration = GetSpellCooldown(spellId)

Returns the wrong duration value for profession cooldowns right after crafting. This only affects cooldowns that expire at daily reset. (Like [Transmute: Living Elements])

/reload doesn't help. Logging out and logging back in fixes the value.

This issue appears in the default profession UI as well, displaying the incorrect value until relogging.

Ulidan commented 4 weeks ago

Also: start value of over a day cooldowns resets after a day or more and shows a few seconds ago time, instead of 4-5 days ago. It seems that in this case the duration amount shortens to reflect the right expiration time.