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Role-specific LFG list filters are not character-specific #579

Open Ghostopheles opened 4 weeks ago

Ghostopheles commented 4 weeks ago

Enabling the "Needs healer" filter on a healer character, then switching to a tank character (that can't be a healer) will keep the "Needs healer" filter applied, hiding any groups that already have a healer.

The UI hides filter options from the player if the player's current class cannot perform the role the filter is looking for. So on my tank character, I have no way of knowing whether or not the "Needs healer" filter is enabled, and I can't turn it off unless I switch back to the healer character.

image (screenshot has addons enabled, but this was tested with and without addons)

This has the effect of hiding many possible group options from players that likely have no idea there's a filter being applied that they can't see in the UI.

Currently, I believe all the active LFG filters are stored in the lfgListAdvancedFilters CVar - in order to avoid this pitfall, certain filters would need to be character-bound in some way.