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World of Warcraft UI Bug Tracker
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TWW: C_TooltipInfo.GetHyperlink cannot find ColorMixin when run in an function environemtn #589

Open InfusOnWoW opened 5 days ago

InfusOnWoW commented 5 days ago

This simple example in which C_TooltipInfo.GetHyperlink is called while inside a function environment:

C_Timer.After(2, function() local loadedFunction, errorString = loadstring( [==[ print('Before') C_TooltipInfo.GetHyperlink ("unit:" .. UnitGUID("player")) print('After') ]==])

local env = setmetatable({}, {__index = _G}) setfenv(loadedFunction, env) loadedFunction() end)

Results in the error message: "unable to find mixin (ColorMixin)"