StaplePuck / StaplePuck.Frontend.Main.React

Main components of the frontend; home page, login page, admin page, etc.
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Fantasy Team Creation #3

Open nickhetland opened 5 years ago

nickhetland commented 5 years ago

User has to be authenticated. A user navigates to the site and sees a list of fantasy leagues. The user has the ability to create a team if the following criteria is met:

Mutation: mutation ($fantasyTeam: FantasyTeamInput!){ createFantasyTeam(fantasyTeam: $fantasyTeam) { id success message } } Variable: "FantasyTeam": { "leagueId": 1, "name": "TeamName" }

example of updateFantasyTeam: {"id":35,"fantasyTeamPlayers":[{"playerId":499},{"playerId":283},{"playerId":137},{"playerId":5},{"playerId":97},{"playerId":395},{"playerId":355},{"playerId":54},{"playerId":228},{"playerId":187},{"playerId":522},{"playerId":254},{"playerId":307},{"playerId":441},{"playerId":154},{"playerId":366}]}