StaplePuck / StaplePuck.Frontend.Main.React

Main components of the frontend; home page, login page, admin page, etc.
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Fantasy League Creation #4

Open nickhetland opened 5 years ago

nickhetland commented 5 years ago

Only admins should have access to this site. Authorization is still a work in progress so this might be something to come back to....

Admin creates a fantasy league on the site based off a sport. A fantasy league is the main grouping for users to create and access their fantasy team. The admin must assign the following values:

Mutation: mutation ($user: UserInput!){ updateUser(user: $user) { id success message } } Variable: "league": { "name": "League name", "seasonId": 2, "commissionerId": 1 }

jdistel83 commented 5 years ago

Creating a team works but has race a condition that needs to be fixed. The redirect to the page to set the lineup happens before the graphql mutation completes and throws a console error.