Star-Wars-A-Cosmos-Divided-DevTeam / Star-Wars-A-Cosmos-Divided

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Game crashes almost every time #88

Closed Yyote closed 4 months ago

Yyote commented 5 months ago

04/21/2024 08:48:31 | Logging successful initialized. 04/21/2024 08:48:31 | .NET Runtime Version: 7.0.16 04/21/2024 08:48:31 | Running as a 64-bit process. 04/21/2024 08:48:31 | Locale: ru-RU 04/21/2024 08:48:31 | Language: ru-RU 04/21/2024 08:48:31 | Executable path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Cosmoteer\Bin\Cosmoteer.exe 04/21/2024 08:48:31 | Cosmoteer version 0.26.0 build 0.26.0_steam 04/21/2024 08:48:31 | Build Date: 13.03.2024 23:42:28 04/21/2024 08:48:31 | Build Commit: 8a2fbf2a64436b2fee538eddc3473ab083ce0e88 04/21/2024 08:48:31 | Steam API successfully initialized. 04/21/2024 08:48:32 | Майкрософт Windows 10 Pro 64-разрядная 10.0.19045 04/21/2024 08:48:32 | AMD Ryzen 5 6600H with Radeon Graphics (12 logical / 6 physical cores) 04/21/2024 08:48:32 | 15557,0 MB RAM 04/21/2024 08:48:32 | NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU ( (12.01.2024) 04/21/2024 08:48:32 | 4095,0 MB VRAM 04/21/2024 08:48:32 |
04/21/2024 08:48:32 | Loaded app settings. 04/21/2024 08:48:32 | Set application DPI mode: PerMonitor 04/21/2024 08:48:32 | Setup default cursor. 04/21/2024 08:48:32 | Using display adapter 0 04/21/2024 08:48:32 | Created DXGI factory. 04/21/2024 08:48:32 | Adapter #0: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU 04/21/2024 08:48:32 | Output #0: Generic PnP Monitor (1920x1080) 04/21/2024 08:48:32 | Adapter #1: AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics 04/21/2024 08:48:32 | Adapter #2: Microsoft Basic Render Driver 04/21/2024 08:48:32 | Updated Windows form configuration for borderless window. 04/21/2024 08:48:32 | Created Windows form. 04/21/2024 08:48:32 | Direct3D Feature Level: Level_11_0 04/21/2024 08:48:32 | Created Direct3D 11 Device. 04/21/2024 08:48:32 | Created swap chain: 1920x1080. 04/21/2024 08:48:32 | Created window. 04/21/2024 08:48:32 | Created clock. 04/21/2024 08:48:32 | Created graphics manager. 04/21/2024 08:48:32 | Max Texture Size: {X=16384 ,Y=16384} 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | Created XAudio2 device. 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | Created audio manager. 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | Created input manager. 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | Created default font. 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | Initial app state is 'MainMenu' 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | Initial application settings: 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | LastGameVersion: 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | IsFirstBoot: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | InitState: MainMenu 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | Language: 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | LockCursor: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | EdgePanMode: Analog 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | EdgePanSpeed: 15 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | KeyboardPanSpeed: 15 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | KeyboardZoomSpeed: 10 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | KeyboardRotSpeed: 90° 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | EnableMouseWheelZoom: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | InvertMouseWheelZoom: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | MouseWheelZoomSpeed: 1,12 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | MouseWheelZoomAtCursor: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | AutoTrackOnScreenShips: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | StickyFocus: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DpiScaleMode: Dpi125 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | AnimateBackgrounds: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | BackgroundGridStyle: Crosses 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | FancyLighting: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | FancyParticles: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | FancyUIEffects: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | UncompressedTextures: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ResolutionScale: 1,25 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | PlanetResolutionScale: 1 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | TargetFps: FpsTarget30 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | PostShaderIndex: 0 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | AllowShipDeselection: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | CtrlSelectsParts: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | EnableCollisionAvoidance: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | EnableArrivalMatching: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | AutoRecallCrew: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | PreferBlueprintMode: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | BlueprintAutoPause: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ShowInvalidBlueprints: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ShowMissingPartsWarning: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ShowAutoRemovedParts: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ShowAutoRemovedDecals: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | BuildAutoRotate: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | BuildAutoInteriors: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | PaintAutoRotate: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | PaintAllowOverwrite: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | BuildAllowOverwrite: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | BuildAutoDoors: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | RequirePartialRefundConfirmation: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | BuildShowNearestPaths: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | BuildAllowInsufficientCommand: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ShowStatBars: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ConstructExitsBuild: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | CrewAutoRotate: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ShowCrewPaths: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ShowCrewHomes: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ShowUnselectedCrewAssignment: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DefaultRoles: 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ResourcesAutoRotate: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ShowResourceCounts: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ShowResourceTransfers: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ShowConstructionResourceDeliveries: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ShowAllResourceTypes: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ShowUnselectedResourceAssignment: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | RowsOfParts: 1 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | GrabLeavesCorridors: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | RepairAutoDoors: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DiscardBlueprintsWhenCanceling: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | PartToolTips: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | PartToolTipsDefaultToStats: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | AutoSave: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | AutoSavesToKeep: 25 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | QuickSavesToKeep: 25 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | AutoSaveInterval: 600 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | SaveLostShips: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | LostShipsToKeep: 25 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | FtlAutoSave: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ResourceDisplayMode: Context 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ShowOnShipIndicators: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ShowZoomedOutBlips: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ShowOffScreenBlips: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ShowBreadcrumbTrails: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | AutoPauseOnLostFocus: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | AutoSlowWhenEnemySpotted: 1 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ScreenShake: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | UIAnimations: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ShowMidpointFocusWidget: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DefaultScreenshotFormat: Jpeg 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | PreferBorderlessWindowToggle: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | MasterVolume: 0,5 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | EffectsVolume: 1 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | MusicVolume: 1 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | InterfaceVolume: 1 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | MuteWhenUnfocused: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | PlayFriendlyPings: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | PlayEnemyPings: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ShowTutorials: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | AutoCollectNuggets: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DefaultPaintScheme: 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | PaintSchemes: System.Collections.Generic.List1[Cosmoteer.Ships.Paint.PaintScheme] 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DefaultBuildTool: Grab 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DefaultDecalTool: Grab 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | CodexPageStates: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2[System.String,Cosmoteer.Codex.CodexPageState] 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DontDimDialogBackgrounds: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DontFlickerBlueprints: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | PlayerColor: 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | EnemyColor: 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | AllyColor: 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | NeutralColor: 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | RotateMinimap: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | MiniviewInCombatMode: Auto 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | MiniviewNotInCombatMode: Auto 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | MiniviewLockRotation: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | MiniviewSize: 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ShowInteriors: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ShowAllCommands: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | AlwaysShowCommandWidgets: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ShowSelectedPartStatusBars: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ShowSpaceCrewLines: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ShowResourcePickupLines: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | PreferWorldRelativeAttackAngle: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | PreferWorldRelativeFollowAngle: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DirectControlEnableWeapons: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DirectControlAimAssist: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DirectControlAutoBrake: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DirectControlAutoFaceCursor: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DirectControlViewFollowsCursor: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DirectControlAutoRotateView: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DirectControlLockCameraToShip: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DirectControlAutoZoomView: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DirectControlShowWeaponCoverage: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ShipLibraryLargeIcons: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | BreakFormationToAttack: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DisplayAllShips: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ShowAdvancedCommands: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | EnabledMods: System.Collections.Generic.HashSet1[Halfling.IO.AbsolutePath] 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | AutoDisableMods: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DeleteFileOnStartup: 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DefaultCreativeModeMapSize: 0 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DefaultCreativeModeSimGenFlags: None 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DefaultCareerModeCombatDifficulty: -1 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DefaultCareerModeEconDifficulty: -1 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DefaultCareerModeMapSize: 0 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DefaultCareerModeCrewScarcity: -1 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DefaultCareerModeDisableCrewConstruction: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DefaultCareerModeDisableExploration: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DefaultCareerModeDisableSalvaging: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DefaultCareerModeStarterShip: 0 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | MPBlipColorMode: FriendAndFoe 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | MPShowDamagePoints: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | EnableDesyncDebugging: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | MaxSendRate: 1000 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | CustomRulesets: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2[System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List1[Cosmoteer.CustomRuleset]] 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | PreferLAN: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | PreferredLobbyType: CoOp 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ShowNewsOnStartup: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ShowTipsOnStartup: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ReadNewsArticles: System.Collections.Generic.HashSet1[System.String] 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ShowNewsAlerts: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | HiddenNewsAlerts: System.Collections.Generic.HashSet1[System.String] 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | MainMenuBackgroundIndex: 0 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | CycleMainMenuBackground: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DefaultAuthorName: 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | EnableGifRecorder: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | GifRecorderSeconds: 10 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | GifRecorderFramerate: 20 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | GifRecorderResolution: 480 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ShowNearbyMissionsCount: 3 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DevModeSPRecording: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | DevModeSPRecordingAutoLoad: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | KeepLogFiles: 10 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | KeepRecFiles: 10 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | RestoreZoomOnToolboxExit: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | ZoomOutOnFtl: True 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | LoadBlueprintPaint: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | LoadBlueprintRoles: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | LoadBlueprintReplaceInsteadOfAdd: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | LoadBlueprintCrew: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | LoadBlueprintResources: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | LoadBlueprintsFlightInfo: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | LoadBlueprintTextInfo: False 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | Multicore helper thread count: 5 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | Starting main game loop... 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | Enabled mods: 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | [Workshop ID 3119336292] - 00.00.SW (1.0.RC) 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | [Workshop ID 3119349707] - SW.1.StarWars (1.0.rc3) 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | [Workshop ID 3029566606] - SW.4.StarWarsMusic (1.0.2) 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | [Built-in] - cosmoteer.huge_crews (1.0.0) 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | [Built-in] - cosmoteer.huge_ships (1.0.0) 04/21/2024 08:48:33 | Loaded language 'ru'. 04/21/2024 08:48:49 | Loaded game data in 16,4 seconds. 04/21/2024 08:49:28 | Loaded game named 'Auto-Save 2024-04-21_08-45-23'. 04/21/2024 08:49:28 | Game pushed onto stack. 04/21/2024 08:49:28 | Game mode is: CreativeGameModeManager 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | Starting part: {SW.IonThruster01_3x3_switchable; Location={X=7 ,Y=24}; Rotation=0; FlipX=False} 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | Starting rect: {X=8, Y=25, Width=1, Height=1} 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | Ending part: {SW.reactor_tiny; Location={X=4 ,Y=16}; Rotation=0; FlipX=False} 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | Ending rect: {X=4, Y=16, Width=1, Height=1} 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | Memory usage at time of crash: 4 226 867 200 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | Application state stack at time of crash: 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | Cosmoteer.Game.GameRoot 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | Cosmoteer.Gui.TitleScreen 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | FPS at time of crash: 24,215103 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | Running processes at time of crash: amdfendrsr, atieclxx, atiesrxx, audiodg, browser, cmd, CompPkgSrv, conhost, Cosmoteer, csrss, ctfmon, dasHost, DiscSoftBusServiceUltra, dllhost, DTAgent, dwm, explorer, FMService64, FnHotkeyCapsLKNumLK, FnHotkeyUtility, fontdrvhost, GameOverlayUI, Idle, jucheck, jusched, LenovoUtilityService, LsaIso, lsass, LSB, NahimicService, NhNotifSys, nvcontainer, NVDisplay.Container, NVIDIA Web Helper, OfficeClickToRun, PenTablet, Registry, RtkAudUService64, RtkBtManServ, rundll32, RuntimeBroker, SearchApp, Secure System, service_update, services, sihost, smss, spoolsv, StartMenuExperienceHost, steam, steamwebhelper, svchost, System, taskhostw, TextInputHost, unsecapp, wininit, winlogon, WmiPrvSE, wslservice, WUDFHost, 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | System.AggregateException: A FastParallel task threw one or more exceptions. (A FastParallel task threw one or more exceptions. (Pathfind operation failed!)) 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | ---> System.AggregateException: A FastParallel task threw one or more exceptions. (Pathfind operation failed!) 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | ---> System.InvalidOperationException: Pathfind operation failed! 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | at Cosmoteer.Ships.Crew.Pathing.PathManager.FindPath(IntRect start, IntRect end, Boolean useTraffic) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Ships\Crew\Pathing\PathManager.cs:line 202 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | at Cosmoteer.Ships.Crew.Pathing.PathManager.FindPath(IntVector2 start, Destination end, Boolean useTraffic) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Ships\Crew\Pathing\PathManager.cs:line 114 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | at Cosmoteer.Ships.Crew.ShipCrew.Cosmoteer.Ships.Crew.ShipCrewManager.IShipCrewMembers.UpdateDestinationAsync() in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Ships\Crew\ShipCrew.cs:line 667 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | at Cosmoteer.Ships.Crew.ShipCrewManager.UpdateCrewAsync(Int32 startIndex, Int32 endIndex) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Ships\Crew\ShipCrewManager.cs:line 847 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | at Halfling.Performance.FastParallel.RunParallelBatch(ParallelTask task, Int32 batch, List1 profilerJobs) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Source\Performance\FastParallel.cs:line 370 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | --- End of inner exception stack trace --- 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | at Halfling.Performance.FastParallel.For(Int32 fromInclusive, Int32 toExclusive, FastParallelAction body, Object data, Boolean copyStackData, String profilerName) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Source\Performance\FastParallel.cs:line 239 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | at Cosmoteer.Ships.Crew.ShipCrewManager.FixedUpdate(FixedUpdater fixedUpdater, SceneRoot root) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Ships\Crew\ShipCrewManager.cs:line 775 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | at Halfling.Scene2D.SceneComponent.Halfling.Scene2D.IFixedUpdateableSceneObject.FixedUpdate(FixedUpdater fixedUpdater, SceneRoot root) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Source\Scene2D\SceneComponent.cs:line 892 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | at Cosmoteer.Simulation.SimRoot.<>c.b__204_0(Int32 from, Int32 to, Object data) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Simulation\SimRoot.cs:line 1345 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | at Halfling.Performance.FastParallel.RunParallelBatch(ParallelTask task, Int32 batch, List1 profilerJobs) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Source\Performance\FastParallel.cs:line 370 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | --- End of inner exception stack trace --- 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | at Halfling.Performance.FastParallel.For(Int32 fromInclusive, Int32 toExclusive, FastParallelAction body, Object data, Boolean copyStackData, String profilerName) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Source\Performance\FastParallel.cs:line 239 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | at Cosmoteer.Simulation.SimRoot.ParallelFixedUpdate(Int32 bucket, IFixedUpdateableSceneObject[] array, Int32 startIndex, Int32 count) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Simulation\SimRoot.cs:line 1336 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | at Halfling.Scene2D.SceneRoot.FixedUpdateForBucket(Int32 bucket) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Source\Scene2D\SceneRoot.cs:line 1074 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | at Cosmoteer.Simulation.SimRoot.FixedUpdateForBucket(Int32 bucket) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Simulation\SimRoot.cs:line 1212 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | at Halfling.Scene2D.SceneRoot.FixedUpdate() in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Source\Scene2D\SceneRoot.cs:line 1067 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | at Cosmoteer.Simulation.SimRoot.FixedUpdate() in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Simulation\SimRoot.cs:line 1200 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | at Halfling.Timing.FixedUpdater.Advance(Action action) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Source\Timing\FixedUpdater.cs:line 109 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | at Halfling.Scene2D.SceneRoot.DoFixedUpdates() in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Source\Scene2D\SceneRoot.cs:line 1003 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | at Halfling.Scene2D.SceneRoot.Update() in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Source\Scene2D\SceneRoot.cs:line 746 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | at Cosmoteer.Simulation.SimRoot.Update() in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Simulation\SimRoot.cs:line 654 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | at Cosmoteer.Game.GameRoot.Update(Action updateParent) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Game\GameRoot.cs:line 1882 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | at Halfling.Application.AppStateEx.Halfling.Application.IAppState.Update(Action updateParent) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Source\Application\AppStateEx.cs:line 213 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | at Halfling.Application.Director.CallUpdate() in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Source\Application\Director.cs:line 1010 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | at Halfling.Application.Director.DoUpdate() in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Source\Application\Director.cs:line 934 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | at Halfling.Application.Director.GetRunIterator()+MoveNext() 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | at Halfling.Application.Bases.GenericApp.ApplicationMainIterator()+MoveNext() in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Source\Application\Bases\GenericApp.cs:line 731 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | at Halfling.Windows.D3D11.D3D11Window.<>c__DisplayClass105_0.<RunGameLoop>g___DoFrame|0() in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingPlatformWDX\Source\Windows\D3D11\D3D11Window.cs:line 947 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | at Halfling.Windows.D3D11.D3D11Window.RunGameLoop(String[] args, IEnumerable1 iterator) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingPlatformWDX\Source\Windows\D3D11\D3D11Window.cs:line 814 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | at Halfling.Application.Bases.GenericApp.ApplicationMain(String[] args) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Source\Application\Bases\GenericApp.cs:line 230 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | at Cosmoteer.GameApp.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\GameApp.cs:line 156 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | Actual data hash: 2a1e2a941fe6d01d16bbf13c49dff1a1 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | Expected data hash: 2a1e2a941fe6d01d16bbf13c49dff1a1 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | Director received exit call. 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | Disposed default font. 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | Disposed XA2AudioManager device. 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | Disposed audio manager. 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | Disposed clock. 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | Disposed input manager. 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | Disposed graphics manager. 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | Disposed swap chain. 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | Disposed Direct3D device. 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | Disposed DXGI factory. 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | Closed Windows form. 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | Director received exit call. 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | Disposed window. 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | Disposed platform interface. 04/21/2024 08:51:04 | Closing log output file...

Rojamahorse commented 4 months ago

Assuming you are using the latest dev builds (and not the steam version) this is fixed in our latest updates. I believe this was a pathing error with the 7x10 Thrusters.