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F8C not returning FOCI as array #85

Closed kingultron99 closed 1 year ago

kingultron99 commented 1 year ago

I've noticed that the F8C does not return its foci as an array like most other ships.

requesting a 100i gives me the following response:

  { en_EN: 'Starter', de_DE: 'Einsteiger' },
  { en_EN: 'Touring', de_DE: 'Reisen' }

an 890j will give me:

  { en_EN: 'Luxury Touring', de_DE: 'Luxus-Reisen' } 

but an F8C will give me:

{ en_EN: 'Combat' }

appears to be the only ship that returns its foci this way from what I have found so far.

octfx commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the report! Fix deployed, change should be live in the following hours