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LBX gotts get nerfed to kingdom come #1272

Closed StarCoreIssueBot closed 6 days ago

StarCoreIssueBot commented 1 week ago

Scrim, single lbx on the field, it did 1.8 BILLION dps, ONE POINT EIGHT FUCKING BILIION, NATE WHYYYYYYY

Submitted by: Tait

TaitKaito commented 1 week ago

not 1.8 billion dps, but it is 1.8 billion damage as insane

BadM0dder commented 1 week ago

Literally impossible, I'll restrict it for now but I'm not going to pull it apart. It was working fine a few months ago when it got put back in, and once things settle down I'll re-add it.

Th3-spook commented 1 week ago

can confirm something weird with the damagestats is going on. My logs from that match "only" showed it in the hundreds of millions which would be impossible considering the number of the ships on the field

InvalidArgument3 commented 6 days ago

cluster ammo removed