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Erebos overpreforming in 4.1 #691

Closed StarCoreIssueBot closed 3 months ago

StarCoreIssueBot commented 3 months ago

Kill erebos. Behead erebos. Roundhouse kick an erebos user into the concrete. Slam dunk an erebos into the trashcan. Crucify filthy kreeg models. Launch erebos into the sun. Stir fry proximity ammo in a wok. Toss erebos into active volcanoes. Urinate into the ereboses offset barrel. Judo throw erebos into the wood chipper. Twist erebos off grids. Report the erebos to ksh mod control team. Karate chop erebos in half. Crush erebos in the trash compactor. Liquefy erebos in a vat of acid. Eat erebos ammo.cfg. Trap erebos in voxels. Lobotomize erebos with elite drills. Feed painter users to alligators. Slice erebos too weak voters with a katana. Total. Erebos. Death.

Submitted by: Kill erebos. Behead erebos. Roundhouse kick an erebos user into the concrete. Slam dunk an erebos into the trashcan. Crucify filthy kreeg models. Launch erebos into the sun. Stir fry proximity ammo in a wok. Toss erebos into active volcanoes. Urinate into the ereboses offset barrel. Judo throw erebos into the wood chipper. Twist erebos off grids. Report the erebos to ksh mod control team. Karate chop erebos in half. Crush erebos in the trash compactor. Liquefy erebos in a vat of acid. Eat erebos ammo.cfg. Trap erebos in voxels. Lobotomize erebos with elite drills. Feed painter users to alligators. Slice erebos too weak voters with a katana. Total. Erebos. Death.

CommodoreChet commented 3 months ago

Erebos Buffed in Patch #DeezNutz, Closing as Addressed

BadM0dder commented 3 months ago

Kill erebos. Behead erebos. Roundhouse kick an erebos user into the concrete. Slam dunk an erebos into the trashcan. Crucify filthy kreeg models. Launch erebos into the sun. Stir fry proximity ammo in a wok. Toss erebos into active volcanoes. Urinate into the ereboses offset barrel. Judo throw erebos into the wood chipper. Twist erebos off grids. Report the erebos to ksh mod control team. Karate chop erebos in half. Crush erebos in the trash compactor. Liquefy erebos in a vat of acid. Eat erebos ammo.cfg. Trap erebos in voxels. Lobotomize erebos with elite drills. Feed painter users to alligators. Slice erebos too weak voters with a katana. Total. Erebos. Death.