StarGate01 / p8b-infinitime

Run InfiniTime & Bootloader on the P8 smartwatch
MIT License
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MOY-TON5-2.04 seen watch working when using MOY-UNK2 / version 1.12? #9

Open sail2themoon opened 1 year ago

sail2themoon commented 1 year ago

Hi there, maybe this helps others: When I used the binary release MOY_TON5 or compiled p8b-infinitime for MOY_TON5, my watch startet, everything seemed normal and I could swipe through screens, but every tap was just ignored, so I couldn't start any app. After I gave the MOY_UNK2 a try, everything just works, binary and my build!

Another thing is: I tried to compile the Inifnitime 1.12 main release for MOY-TON5 and MOY-UNK (same compiler version, same nRFsdk), but I get the errors: <command-line>: error: ISO C++11 requires whitespace after the macro name [-Werror] If I let ignore these errors, I can build and flash the pinetime-mcu-boot-app. The start screen is visible for a few seconds, but then it just reboots to the previous firmware. Is anyone using 1.12 version with a p8b?

ildar commented 1 year ago

Did you notice the model in About before you flashed IT? FYI MOY-UNK means some unknown P8 ))) Or maybe you still have DaFit installed which still remembers the info?

StarGate01 commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for the report!

I have not yet adjusted the fork for Infinitime 1.12. However the warning about ISO C++ I did fix some time back in .

I'll have to expermiment with 1.12 and once I figured out what changed I will prepare a release. On the long run, I still plan to upstream the changes to Infinitime master.

Also, the Firmware names (MOY-TON5 etc) vary somewhat, the factories use whatever hardware they have at hand.

sail2themoon commented 1 year ago

@ildar: MOY-TON5-2.04 is what the stock firmware showed in about. DaFit is definitely gone, it's running Infinitime 1.11.0 now.

@StarGate01: Thanks! Now I understand, why the strings were changed from minus to underscore.

sail2themoon commented 1 year ago

Meanwhile InfiniTime 1.13 is released. I got that version running on my p8b, with the modifications for touch-handler from your fork. But I got errors, modified the driver_touch_gesture-part a bit, but it didn't work well (only single taps were recognized, no holding of a touch possible). Happy experimenting :)