StarNumber12046 /

Python BeReal API wrapper
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Open ninoturakura opened 6 months ago

ninoturakura commented 6 months ago

Greetings, when I tried to login using my phone number I got this error: {'error': {'code': 400, 'message': 'APP_NOT_VERIFIED', 'errors': [{'message': 'APP_NOT_VERIFIED', 'domain': 'global', 'reason': 'invalid'}]}}

it seems so that this occurs on my country's numbers (Im From georgia), I tried temporary sms receiver french number and it worked. can you please tell me what could be causing it?

or can you please tell me how did you got access to those endpoints? did you used Mitm proxy? maybe I need to change header and user client.

StarNumber12046 commented 5 months ago

Does this happen with the normal app? I still need to push a fix that is currently in testing. I hope it will resolve this

StarNumber12046 commented 5 months ago

or can you please tell me how did you got access to those endpoints? did you used Mitm proxy? maybe I need to change header and user client.

For the auth I used and for the rest the bereal reverse-engineered docs

StarNumber12046 commented 5 months ago

I fixed the API. Can you retry?

ninoturakura commented 5 months ago

Thanks! Tbh I tried all the github public repos even that one as well but it also fails.

or can you please tell me how did you got access to those endpoints? did you used Mitm proxy? maybe I need to change header and user client.

For the auth I used and for the rest the bereal reverse-engineered docs

ninoturakura commented 5 months ago

I fixed the API. Can you retry?

Yes I retried, but still nothing much, I got this message: {'error': {'code': 400, 'message': 'APP_NOT_VERIFIED', 'errors': [{'message': 'APP_NOT_VERIFIED', 'domain': 'global', 'reason': 'invalid'}]}}

from this API:

ninoturakura commented 5 months ago

I'm somehow blameing this issue to headers, like this one:

        params={"key": GOOGLE_API_KEY},
            "appToken": "54F80A258C35A916B38A3AD83CA5DDD48A44BFE2461F90831E0F97EBA4BB2EC7"
            "x-client-version": "iOS/FirebaseSDK/9.5.0/FirebaseCore-iOS",
            "x-ios-bundle-identifier": "AlexisBarreyat.BeReal",
            "accept-language": "en",
            "user-agent": "FirebaseAuth.iOS/9.5.0 AlexisBarreyat.BeReal/0.32.0 iPhone/15.7.1 hw/iPhone9_1",
            "x-firebase-locale": "en",
            "x-firebase-gmpid": "1:405768487586:ios:28c4df089ca92b89",
            "Content-Type": "application/json",

or to firebase_receipt, but mainly headers because those headers were used over and over again in every repo that I checked.

ninoturakura commented 5 months ago

@StarNumber12046 what u think?

StarNumber12046 commented 5 months ago

It works for me, I can't repro this