StarRocks / dbt-starrocks

dbt-starrocks contains all of the code enabling dbt to work with StarRocks
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#4 Table supports multiple data models #10

Closed motto1314 closed 2 years ago

motto1314 commented 2 years ago


  1. Table supports selecting one from Duplicate Key/Unique Key/Primary Key
  2. Table supports set ENGINE
  3. Table supports set keys
  4. Table supports set DISTRIBUTED BY
  5. Table supports set PROPERTIES
  6. Table supports set PARTITION BY


  1. Create table as can only set engine='OLAP' and table_type='DUPLICATE'
  2. distributed_by is must


test_dbt_empty: empty test_dbt_base: base [ERROR: distributed_by is must ] test_dbt_ephemeral: ephemeral [ERROR: not support with ] test_dbt_incremental: incremental [ERROR: distributed_by is must ] test_dbt_snapshot_strategy_timestamp: snapshot_strategy_timestamp [ERROR: not support with ] test_dbt_snapshot_strategy_check_cols: snapshot_strategy_check_cols [ERROR: not support with ] test_dbt_data_test: data_test test_dbt_schema_test: schema_test [ERROR: distributed_by is must ] test_dbt_ephemeral_data_tests: data_test_ephemeral_models [ERROR: not support with ]


dbt seed properties(whatever_you_want.yml):

Minimum configuration:

  distributed_by: ['id']

Complete configuration:

  engine: 'OLAP'
  keys: ['id', 'name', 'some_date']
  table_type: 'PRIMARY'     //PRIMARY or DUPLICATE or UNIQUE
  distributed_by: ['id']
  buckets: 3                //default 10
  partition_by: ['some_date']
  partition_by_init: ["PARTITION p1 VALUES [('1971-01-01 00:00:00'), ('1991-01-01 00:00:00')),PARTITION p1972 VALUES [('1991-01-01 00:00:00'), ('1999-01-01 00:00:00'))"]
  properties: {"replication_num":"1", "in_memory": "true"}

dbt run config(table/incremental):

Minimum configuration:

{{ config(materialized=var("materialized_var", "table"), distributed_by=['id'])}}
{{ config(materialized='incremental', distributed_by=['id']) }}

Complete configuration:

{{ config(materialized='table', engine='OLAP', buckets=32, distributed_by=['id'], properties={"in_memory": "true"}) }}
{{ config(materialized='incremental', engine='OLAP', buckets=32, distributed_by=['id'], properties={"in_memory": "true"}) }}