StarRocks / dbt-starrocks

dbt-starrocks contains all of the code enabling dbt to work with StarRocks
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starrocks-adapter is not available #2

Closed motto1314 closed 4 months ago

motto1314 commented 2 years ago

Use this starrocks-adapter: envs: python-3.7.4 dbt-core-1.1.0 starrocks-2.1.4

The following problems occur:

  1. When creating a project (use 'dbt init'), there is no starrocks adapter to choose from 1)install dbt-starrocks(use 'pip install .' ) 2)creating a project (use 'dbt init') 3)There is no 'starrocks-adapter' option

  2. sample_profiles.yml format error(Indent error): ` default: outputs: dev: type: starrocks host: port: username: password: database: target: dev


  1. executing 'dbt run', connection error: `

    Database Error (1064, "Unknown character set: 'latin1'") `

  2. When testing 'starrocks.dbtspec test_dbt_base: base', the following exceptions occur Expected only one database in get_catalog because of exists two 'information_schema': 1) {database}.information_schema 2) information_schema

  3. Execute RENAME when creating a view, that is, execute the following commands: create view {{ to_relation }} as {{ results[0]['Create View'].replace(from_relation.table, to_relation.table).split('AS',1)[1] }} drop view if exists {{ from_relation }}; 'unknown error' appears. Two SQL statements cannot be executed at the same time