StarRocks / dbt-starrocks

dbt-starrocks contains all of the code enabling dbt to work with StarRocks
10 stars 4 forks source link

macro 'dbt_macro__snapshot_check_all_get_existing_columns' takes not more than 2 argument(s) #31

Open alberttwong opened 3 months ago

alberttwong commented 3 months ago
CLIENT: Server listening on port 63194...
Received JSON data in run script
Running pytest with args: ['-p', 'vscode_pytest', '--rootdir=/Users/atwong/sandbox/dbt-starrocks', '/Users/atwong/sandbox/dbt-starrocks/tests/functional/adapter/']
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform darwin -- Python 3.9.16, pytest-8.1.1, pluggy-1.4.0
rootdir: /Users/atwong/sandbox/dbt-starrocks
configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: dotenv-0.5.2
collected 1 item

tests/functional/adapter/ F                                 [100%]

=================================== FAILURES ===================================
___________ TestSnapshotCheckColsMyAdapter.test_snapshot_check_cols ____________

self = <test_basic.TestSnapshotCheckColsMyAdapter object at 0x10699d2e0>
project = <dbt.tests.fixtures.project.TestProjInfo object at 0x102dd6c10>

    def test_snapshot_check_cols(self, project):
        # seed command
        results = run_dbt(["seed"])
        assert len(results) == 2

        # snapshot command
>       results = run_dbt(["snapshot"])

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

args = ['snapshot', '--project-dir', '/private/var/folders/xn/_h8gfpfs3vv_m6gkxm8t0l380000gn/T/pytest-of-atwong/pytest-94/project0', '--profiles-dir', '/private/var/folders/xn/_h8gfpfs3vv_m6gkxm8t0l380000gn/T/pytest-of-atwong/pytest-94/profile0']
expect_pass = True

    def run_dbt(
        args: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        expect_pass: bool = True,
        # Ignore logbook warnings
        warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning, module="logbook")

        # reset global vars

        # The logger will complain about already being initialized if
        # we don't do this.
        if args is None:
            args = ["run"]

        print("\n\nInvoking dbt with {}".format(args))
        from dbt.flags import get_flags

        flags = get_flags()
        project_dir = getattr(flags, "PROJECT_DIR", None)
        profiles_dir = getattr(flags, "PROFILES_DIR", None)
        if project_dir and "--project-dir" not in args:
            args.extend(["--project-dir", project_dir])
        if profiles_dir and "--profiles-dir" not in args:
            args.extend(["--profiles-dir", profiles_dir])

        dbt = dbtRunner()
        res = dbt.invoke(args)

        # the exception is immediately raised to be caught in tests
        # using a pattern like `with pytest.raises(SomeException):`
        if res.exception is not None:
            raise res.exception

        if expect_pass is not None:
>           assert res.success == expect_pass, "dbt exit state did not match expected"
E           AssertionError: dbt exit state did not match expected

/Users/atwong/dbt-env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dbt/tests/ AssertionError
---------------------------- Captured stdout setup -----------------------------

=== Test project_root: /private/var/folders/xn/_h8gfpfs3vv_m6gkxm8t0l380000gn/T/pytest-of-atwong/pytest-94/project0
----------------------------- Captured stdout call -----------------------------

Invoking dbt with ['seed']
22:52:25  Running with dbt=1.6.2
22:52:25  Registered adapter: starrocks=1.4.2
22:52:25  Unable to do partial parsing because saved manifest not found. Starting full parse.
22:52:25  Found 3 snapshots, 2 seeds, 0 sources, 0 exposures, 0 metrics, 335 macros, 0 groups, 0 semantic models
22:52:25  Concurrency: 1 threads (target='default')
22:52:25  1 of 2 START seed file test17102839453554581547_test_basic.added ............... [RUN]
22:52:25  1 of 2 OK loaded seed file test17102839453554581547_test_basic.added ........... [INSERT 20 in 0.27s]
22:52:25  2 of 2 START seed file test17102839453554581547_test_basic.base ................ [RUN]
22:52:26  2 of 2 OK loaded seed file test17102839453554581547_test_basic.base ............ [INSERT 10 in 0.20s]
22:52:26  Finished running 2 seeds in 0 hours 0 minutes and 0.53 seconds (0.53s).
22:52:26  Completed successfully
22:52:26  Done. PASS=2 WARN=0 ERROR=0 SKIP=0 TOTAL=2

Invoking dbt with ['snapshot']
22:52:26  Running with dbt=1.6.2
22:52:26  Registered adapter: starrocks=1.4.2
22:52:26  Found 3 snapshots, 2 seeds, 0 sources, 0 exposures, 0 metrics, 335 macros, 0 groups, 0 semantic models
22:52:26  Concurrency: 1 threads (target='default')
22:52:26  1 of 3 START snapshot test17102839453554581547_test_basic.cc_all_snapshot ...... [RUN]
22:52:26  1 of 3 ERROR snapshotting test17102839453554581547_test_basic.cc_all_snapshot .. [ERROR in 0.05s]
22:52:26  2 of 3 START snapshot test17102839453554581547_test_basic.cc_date_snapshot ..... [RUN]
22:52:26  2 of 3 ERROR snapshotting test17102839453554581547_test_basic.cc_date_snapshot . [ERROR in 0.02s]
22:52:26  3 of 3 START snapshot test17102839453554581547_test_basic.cc_name_snapshot ..... [RUN]
22:52:26  3 of 3 ERROR snapshotting test17102839453554581547_test_basic.cc_name_snapshot . [ERROR in 0.02s]
22:52:26  Finished running 3 snapshots in 0 hours 0 minutes and 0.12 seconds (0.12s).
22:52:26  Completed with 3 errors and 0 warnings:
22:52:26    Compilation Error in snapshot cc_all_snapshot (snapshots/cc_all_snapshot.sql)
  macro 'dbt_macro__snapshot_check_all_get_existing_columns' takes not more than 2 argument(s)

  > in macro snapshot_check_strategy (macros/materializations/snapshots/strategies.sql)
  > called by macro materialization_snapshot_starrocks (macros/materializations/snapshot/snapshot.sql)
  > called by snapshot cc_all_snapshot (snapshots/cc_all_snapshot.sql)
22:52:26    Compilation Error in snapshot cc_date_snapshot (snapshots/cc_date_snapshot.sql)
  macro 'dbt_macro__snapshot_check_all_get_existing_columns' takes not more than 2 argument(s)

  > in macro snapshot_check_strategy (macros/materializations/snapshots/strategies.sql)
  > called by macro materialization_snapshot_starrocks (macros/materializations/snapshot/snapshot.sql)
  > called by snapshot cc_date_snapshot (snapshots/cc_date_snapshot.sql)
22:52:26    Compilation Error in snapshot cc_name_snapshot (snapshots/cc_name_snapshot.sql)
  macro 'dbt_macro__snapshot_check_all_get_existing_columns' takes not more than 2 argument(s)

  > in macro snapshot_check_strategy (macros/materializations/snapshots/strategies.sql)
  > called by macro materialization_snapshot_starrocks (macros/materializations/snapshot/snapshot.sql)
  > called by snapshot cc_name_snapshot (snapshots/cc_name_snapshot.sql)
22:52:26  Done. PASS=0 WARN=0 ERROR=3 SKIP=0 TOTAL=3
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED tests/functional/adapter/
============================== 1 failed in 1.60s ===============================
Finished running tests!