StarRocks / starrocks

The world's fastest open query engine for sub-second analytics both on and off the data lakehouse. With the flexibility to support nearly any scenario, StarRocks provides best-in-class performance for multi-dimensional analytics, real-time analytics, and ad-hoc queries. A Linux Foundation project.
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[Enhancement] show progress for select query #52162

Open graysonzeng opened 2 weeks ago

graysonzeng commented 2 weeks ago



For long time running sql queries, hope the progress can be queried through queryid for user easy to use. One suggestion is to use the FinishedFragmentNums/TotalFragmentNums to represent query progress.

we can see the progress like:


          State: Querying
       Progress: 20.00% (1/5)


          State: FINISHED
       Progress: 100.00% (5/5)
satanson commented 2 weeks ago

@graysonzeng Frankly speaking, it depends.

  1. If the query is IO-intensive, maybe the number of finished scan ranges can indicate the progress;
  2. however, if the query is CPU-intensive, it is hard to estimate progress, since the most time-consuming operator would take almost of latency. so use the number of finished fragments is incorrect.
  3. if the query is so complex that it has thousands of fragments but it is not IO-intensive or CPU-intensive, it is difficult to estimate its progress.

In summary, batching, pipelining parallelism, intra-operator paralellism, async IO, data/control dependencies and etc. make the subtasks of the query plan execute in an extremely intricate scheduling orders, so it is hard to estimate progress. however, if your query is ETL workload and runs for quite a long time, maybe finished scan ranges can be used.

graysonzeng commented 1 day ago

After some investigation, I found that trino provides a good reference for query progress.

Query 16, RUNNING, 1 node, 855 splits
Splits:   646 queued, 34 running, 175 done
CPU Time: 33.7s total,  191K rows/s, 16.6MB/s, 22% active
Per Node: 2.5 parallelism,  473K rows/s, 41.1MB/s
Parallelism: 2.5
Peak Memory: 1.97GB
Spilled: 20GB
0:13 [6.45M rows,  560MB] [ 473K rows/s, 41.1MB/s] [=========>>           ] 20%

0.........R  13.8M    336K  1.99G    49.5M      0      1    706
  1.......R   666K   41.5K  82.1M    5.12M    563     65     79
    2.....R  4.58M    234K   620M    31.6M    406     65    236

Just like the trino query example above, the scan progress and stage calculation process are displayed separately. Maybe we can refer to these two parts. What do you think? @satanson