Open crabio opened 4 days ago
any more information on be.INFO log file?
Sure! be.INFO
I20241111 19:11:26.881520 281472970518592 daemon.cpp:366] version 3.3.5-6d81f75
BuildType: RELEASE
Build distributor id: ubuntu
Build arch: aarch64
Built on 2024-10-23 11:24:38 by StarRocks@localhost (Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS)
I20241111 19:11:26.881633 281472970518592 cpu_info.cpp:333] Init docker hardware cores by cgroup's config, cfs_num_cores=1, cpuset_num_cores=4, final num_cores=1
I20241111 19:11:26.882116 281472970518592 mem_info.cpp:153] Init mem info by container's cgroup config, physical_mem=2147483648
I20241111 19:11:26.882155 281472970518592 mem_info.cpp:104] Physical Memory: 2.00 GB
I20241111 19:11:26.882163 281472970518592 daemon.cpp:372] Cpu Info:
Model: unknown
Cores: 1
Max Possible Cores: 4
L1 Cache: 0 (Line: 64.00 B)
L2 Cache: 0 (Line: 0)
L3 Cache: 0 (Line: 0)
Hardware Supports:
Numa Nodes: 1
Numa Nodes of Cores: 0->0 | 1->0 | 2->0 | 3->0 |
I20241111 19:11:26.882174 281472970518592 daemon.cpp:373] Disk Info:
Num disks 5: vda, vda1, vda2, vda3, vda4
I20241111 19:11:26.882176 281472970518592 daemon.cpp:374] Mem Info: 2.00 GB
I20241111 19:11:26.882178 281472970518592 daemon.cpp:375] CPU Info:
Type: 0
Family: 0
Model: 0
Stepping: 0
ExtendModel: 0
ExtendFamily: 0
RunningInVM: 0
Vendor: unknown
I20241111 19:11:26.882181 281472970518592 daemon.cpp:376] openssl aesni support: 0
I20241111 19:11:26.988848 281472970518592 daemon.cpp:355] Minidump is disabled on non-x86_64 arch
I20241111 19:11:26.988859 281472970518592 starrocks_be.cpp:159] BE start step 1: daemon threads start successfully
I20241111 19:11:26.989016 281472970518592 starrocks_be.cpp:163] BE start step 2: jdbc driver manager init successfully
I20241111 19:11:26.989071 281472970518592 network_util.cpp:128] ipv6 link local address fe80::7c8c:85ff:fea0:fdfe is skipped
I20241111 19:11:26.989073 281472970518592 backend_options.cpp:88] check ip =
I20241111 19:11:26.989075 281472970518592 backend_options.cpp:88] check ip =
I20241111 19:11:26.989076 281472970518592 backend_options.cpp:118] localhost
I20241111 19:11:26.989077 281472970518592 starrocks_be.cpp:169] BE start step 3: backend network options init successfully
I20241111 19:11:26.989121 281472970518592 exec_env.cpp:287] Set storage page cache size 347892350
I20241111 19:11:26.989236 281472845807680 daemon.cpp:199] Current memory statistics: process(0), query_pool(0), load(0), metadata(0), compaction(0), schema_change(0), column_pool(0), page_cache(0), update(0), chunk_allocator(0), clone(0), consistency(0), datacache(0), jit(0)
I20241111 19:11:26.989340 281472970518592 starrocks_be.cpp:174] BE start step 4: global env init successfully
I20241111 19:11:26.990148 281472814481472 data_dir.cpp:133] path: /opt/starrocks/be/storage, hash: 3813974482837957012
I20241111 19:11:27.011508 281472574160960 data_dir.cpp:277] begin loading tablet from meta /opt/starrocks/be/storage
I20241111 19:11:27.011604 281472574160960 data_dir.cpp:335] load tablet from meta finished, loaded tablet: 0, error tablet: 0, path: /opt/starrocks/be/storage duration: 0ms
I20241111 19:11:27.011607 281472574160960 data_dir.cpp:368] begin loading rowset from meta /opt/starrocks/be/storage
I20241111 19:11:27.011610 281472574160960 data_dir.cpp:462] load rowset from meta finished, data dir: /opt/starrocks/be/storage error/total: 0/0 duration: 0ms
W20241111 19:11:27.011892 281472970518592 thread.cpp:279] failed to set thread name: compact_data_di
I20241111 19:11:27.012621 281472970518592 starrocks_be.cpp:177] BE start step 5: storage engine init successfully
I20241111 19:11:27.016408 281472038338624 fragment_mgr.cpp:566] FragmentMgr cancel worker start working.
I20241111 19:11:27.021858 281472970518592 exec_env.cpp:415] [PIPELINE] Exec thread pool: thread_num=1
I20241111 19:11:27.023753 281472970518592 pipeline_executor_set.cpp:129] [WORKGROUP] start executors ([name=com] [num_driver_threads=1] [num_scan_threads=1] [num_connector_scan_threads=8] [cpuids=(0)] [conf=([num_total_cores=1] [num_total_driver_threads=1] [num_total_scan_threads=1] [num_total_connector_scan_threads=8] [enable_bind_cpus=false] [enable_cpu_borrowing=false])])
I20241111 19:11:27.023774 281472970518592 pipeline_executor_set_manager.cpp:116] [WORKGROUP] assign shared executors to workgroup [workgroup=(id:0, name:default_wg, version:0, cpu_weight:1, exclusive_cpu_cores:0, mem_limit:1565515578, concurrency_limit:0, bigquery: (cpu_second_limit:0, mem_limit:0, scan_rows_limit:0), spill_mem_limit_threshold:1)]
I20241111 19:11:27.023821 281472970518592 pipeline_executor_set_manager.cpp:116] [WORKGROUP] assign shared executors to workgroup [workgroup=(id:1, name:default_mv_wg, version:1, cpu_weight:1, exclusive_cpu_cores:0, mem_limit:1252412462, concurrency_limit:0, bigquery: (cpu_second_limit:0, mem_limit:0, scan_rows_limit:0), spill_mem_limit_threshold:0.8)]
E20241111 19:11:27.024511 281472970518592 bfd_parser.cpp:107] set default target to elf64-x86-64 failed.
I20241111 19:11:27.181918 281470941528128 runtime_filter_worker.cpp:891] RuntimeFilterWorker start working.
I20241111 19:11:27.182303 281470924619840 profile_report_worker.cpp:111] ProfileReportWorker start working.
I20241111 19:11:27.182373 281472970518592 load_path_mgr.cpp:69] Load path configured to [/opt/starrocks/be/storage/mini_download]
I20241111 19:11:27.182384 281470916165696 result_buffer_mgr.cpp:147] result buffer manager cancel thread begin.
W20241111 19:11:27.186790 281472970518592 jit_engine.cpp:144] System or Process memory limit is less than 16GB, disable JIT. You can set jit_lru_cache_size a properly positive value in BE's config to force enabling JIT
I20241111 19:11:27.186808 281472970518592 starrocks_be.cpp:181] BE start step 6: exec engine init successfully
I20241111 19:11:27.188434 281470497849408 compaction_manager.cpp:69] start compaction scheduler
I20241111 19:11:27.188499 281470430216256 olap_server.cpp:908] begin to do tablet meta checkpoint:/opt/starrocks/be/storage
I20241111 19:11:27.188662 281470489395264 storage_engine.cpp:723] start to check compaction
I20241111 19:11:27.189116 281470396399680 olap_server.cpp:888] try to clear expired replication snapshots!
I20241111 19:11:27.189231 281472970518592 olap_server.cpp:259] All backgroud threads of storage engine have started.
I20241111 19:11:27.189235 281472970518592 starrocks_be.cpp:186] BE start step 7: storage engine start bg threads successfully
I20241111 19:11:27.189756 281470404853824 olap_server.cpp:830] try to perform path gc by tablet!
I20241111 19:11:27.189761 281470404853824 olap_server.cpp:833] try to perform path gc by rowsetid!
I20241111 19:11:27.189762 281470404853824 olap_server.cpp:837] try to perform path gc by dcg files!
I20241111 19:11:27.193928 281472970518592] Starlet grpc server started on
I20241111 19:11:27.194046 281472970518592 starrocks_be.cpp:190] BE start step 8: staros worker init successfully
I20241111 19:11:27.194119 281470303404096] Empty starmanager address, skip reporting!
W20241111 19:11:27.194129 281472970518592 cache_options.cpp:126] fail to clean residual datacache data, reason: /opt/starrocks/be/datacache: No such file or directory
I20241111 19:11:27.194305 281472970518592 block_cache.cpp:65] init starcache engine, block_size: 262144
I20241111 19:11:27.194691 281472970518592 star_cache_impl.cpp:137] init starcache success. block_size: 262144, disk checksum: 0, mem_quota: 0, disk_quota: 0, scheduler threads: 0
I20241111 19:11:27.194802 281472970518592 starrocks_be.cpp:198] BE start step 9: datacache init successfully
I20241111 19:11:27.194814 281472970518592 backend_base.cpp:78] StarRocksInternalService has started listening port on 9060
I20241111 19:11:27.195209 281472970518592 thrift_server.cpp:384] BackendService has started listening port on 9060
I20241111 19:11:27.195212 281472970518592 starrocks_be.cpp:221] BE start step 10: start thrift server successfully
I20241111 19:11:27.199044 281472970518592 starrocks_be.cpp:260] BRPC server bind to host:, port: 8060
I20241111 19:11:27.204615 281472970518592 server.cpp:1181] Server[starrocks::LakeServiceImpl+starrocks::BackendInternalServiceImpl<starrocks::PInternalService>+starrocks::BackendInternalServiceImpl<doris::PBackendService>] is serving on port=8060.
I20241111 19:11:27.204632 281472970518592 server.cpp:1184] Check out http://kube-starrocks-be-0:8060 in web browser.
I20241111 19:11:27.205367 281472970518592 starrocks_be.cpp:266] BE start step 11: start brpc server successfully
W20241111 19:11:27.284465 281472970518592 stack_util.cpp:347] 2024-11-11 19:11:27.213380, query_id=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, fragment_instance_id=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 throws exception: std::system_error, trace:
@ 0x5777484 __wrap___cxa_throw
@ 0xd7a16dc std::__throw_system_error(int)
@ 0xd7a19fc std::thread::_M_start_thread(std::unique_ptr<std::thread::_State, std::default_delete<std::thread::_State> >, void (*)())
@ 0x8be4394 starrocks::EvHttpServer::start()
@ 0x81a7a70 starrocks::HttpServiceBE::start()
@ 0x815cb70 starrocks::start_be(std::vector<starrocks::StorePath, std::allocator<starrocks::StorePath> > const&, bool)
@ 0x524ee58 main
@ 0xffff889573fc (/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/
@ 0xffff889574cc __libc_start_main
@ 0x524a030 _start
I20241111 19:11:27.289675 281472970518592 logconfig.cpp:135] je_mallctl execute purge success
I20241111 19:11:27.289726 281472970518592 logconfig.cpp:143] je_mallctl execute dontdump success
3) [std::system_error]( if the thread could not be started. The exception may represent the error condition std::errc::resource_unavailable_try_again or another implementation-specific error condition.
Can you take a look at the ulimit settings for the container?
@kevincai star rocks BE has no ulimit util inside:
f": OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: unable to start container process: exec: "ulimit": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown
BTW. You said that I have an error resource_unavailable_try_again, but it wasn't in my logs. Where did you find it?
And I'm running Star Rocks in local Kubernetes with Podman Kind. Do it has ulimits? Or are you talking about cpu/memory resources?
Steps to reproduce the behavior (Required)
Install Star Rocks DB on local Podman Kind Kubernetes via instruction:
Expected behavior (Required)
Star Rocks DB BE starts fine as well as FE.
Real behavior (Required)
FE component starts well, bug BE component failed on HTTP server start. log:
StarRocks version (Required)
3.3.5 RELEASE (build 6d81f75)