StarWarsFoundryVTT / StarWarsFFG

StarWarsFFG System for Foundry VTT.
MIT License
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Talent-based alternative characteristics for lightsaber checks #1567

Closed raderm closed 1 month ago

raderm commented 1 month ago

Wondering if there are plans to implement the F&D talents that allow for characteristics other than Brawn to be used for lightsaber skill checks? I've got a Makashi Duelist who keeps forgetting that she can use her Presence instead of Brawn, and I don't see a way to account for that other than to manually adjust the dice pool every time she makes a lightsaber check.

wrycu commented 1 month ago

Right click the lightsaber skill and click "change characteristic".

Btw, questions like this can be answered a lot faster in the Discord :)