StarWarsFoundryVTT / StarWarsFFG

StarWarsFFG System for Foundry VTT.
MIT License
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Specialization Universal Flagging and Clearer Menu #1599

Open Ebakthecat opened 2 weeks ago

Ebakthecat commented 2 weeks ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. There are quite a lot of Universal Specializations and adding them to each and every career anytime a new one is added, edited, or created can be time consuming.

Furthermore, when players see the list of specializations appear it can be rather daunting or confusing. Players sometimes have to ask me what specs are their career and what are universal.


I'd like to suggest a way be found to clearly mark a Specialization as universal so that they don't need to be added to every career to provide the 10xp discount.

Maybe some sort of flag within the spec itself that marks it as a Universal Spec. Or maybe a 'Universal' Career be created for the purposes of allowing the system to see it's not part of their spec but it's universal so the discount applies? The latter solution does potentially risks players not realising Universal is not an intended career choice for them though.

As for the list, is there a way to format it so it indicates not just XP but if a spec is: -In Career -Out of Career -Universal

Maybe like this mock-up image

Or if possible the associated career(s) (career criminal is just an example of how another spec would appear): image