StarWarsFoundryVTT / StarWarsFFG

StarWarsFFG System for Foundry VTT.
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Improve character sheet #403

Closed wrycu closed 3 years ago

wrycu commented 3 years ago

The character sheet here is lacking basic RPG fields such as:

Additionally, there's no place to write emotional strengths and weaknesses or motivations.

Here's how the roll20 version does it. I think it's decent but I'm including it mostly so you have a reference point. image

wrycu commented 3 years ago

Additional ideas (I'll edit more in):

cstadther commented 3 years ago

I'd add the tool tip idea as a separate issue, best to keep them as small and as focused as possible, allows us to prioritize them better, large tickets have a tendency to just never get done

Esrin commented 3 years ago

Regarding the description area, I think this is actually a bit of a tradeoff with sheet hardcoding vs our current freehand editable space (which I personally use to add all the RPG stuff like age, height, gender etc along with their bio).

While the hardcoded spaces might be the most efficient way of supporting standard Star Wars characters, it might limit the flexibility of the description area for other Genesys systems that vary greatly from theme to theme.

wrycu commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure what you mean by "description area" but the height, age, etc stuff seems like it's something you'd want for any character in any ruleset... and motivations/emotional strengths are part of Star Wars FFG. I'd hate to see a basic part of the Star Wars character sheet get excluded because it doesn't also work for Genesys.

Esrin commented 3 years ago

This area, which in my opinion works best for all systems as it allows you to put in whatever you like: image

wrycu commented 3 years ago

Right, but this is data that's expected for everyone to fill in. It doesn't make sense (to me) to leave it to a freeform field, especially one called biography... and especially because there's no other freeform field for notes.

Esrin commented 3 years ago

My players all use journal entries for their note taking (which can also be linked via the bio if that's your thing, just drag and drop them in to the editor to create a dynamic link button).

I think this might be one we're never gonna quite agree on XD... I'm personally a big fan of free form fields in favour of potentially over engineering the sheet. I can see why the fixed fields might be preferable to some but for me it takes up too much screen space and makes things less flexible.

That said, Foundry allows for sheet variations via modules so I'm totally in favour of people putting together some optional sheet variations that way, while keeping the core sheet more generalised.

wrycu commented 3 years ago

Fair enough.

Just for clarity, are you scoping emotional strengths and weaknesses or motivations into this as well? Or are we in agreement that this should have dedicated fields?

Esrin commented 3 years ago

I'm not 100% sure yet on the best way to handle that aspect (the numerical only fields are definitely a start but don't cover it all), but as each character type varies depending on whether it's using Obligation, Duty or Morality it's a tricky one to solve in a nice generic fashion, while also avoiding the trap of hardcoding the proprietary rules and content into the system.

At the moment my players record the details of their Obligation, Duty or Morality Strength/Weakness in their bio field, but I don't think that's the best solution. Whatever we come up with will need to link in to the sheet config so that it can be toggled on and off for each character type, but it also can't have any pre-filled details or options like OggDude has.

pokej6 commented 3 years ago

wrycu already provided an example from roll20 but this is also something that is standard in fantasy grounds: image

In any system where you have a "character" I think these would be standard fields. If screen real estate is your concern, perhaps a section with this character information could be collapsible or in its own sub-tab.

DarkBearmancula commented 3 years ago

I'd just like to piggyback and note that fields for motivation, obligation, duty, etc. would be a welcome addition as well as emotional strengths and weaknesses. Perhaps they could be toggled on/off just as the overall magnitude tracker of these and Force rating can be toggled in the configuration settings of the sheet.

I know we could just list these in biography or journal entries and that's what we'll probably do until a more elegant solution presents itself, but I'd like a standardized way of tracking it across all characters that's neater than a text editor.

I recognize this is probably a low priority need, however.

Sonny-Crockett commented 3 years ago

For point of reference, here is OggDude's sheets.


cstadther commented 3 years ago

Just for reference ... the OggDude sheet is 6 pages we don't have that kind of real estate on the character sheet, which is why we removed items that most of my players don't event bother filling in. This may need to be pushed to another version as I'm having issues trying to find where to put this all, another tab makes sense but there's not enough room for another tab without wrapping, probably tied to after some type of restyling.

saethone commented 3 years ago

I think that emotional strengths/weaknesses/flaws/ideals are important as they are mechanically tied in genesys, perhaps they could be a sheet option to be toggled on and off above the biography? But otherwise, I think cstadther is right & real estate is a premium on this sheet. If you look at the roll20 sheet it's huge and bloated, messy, and takes forever to find info that's actually important during play.

cstadther commented 3 years ago

Added to dev branch, will be in release 1.2

Added general data area (accessed by clicking id-badge icon underneath Specializations).  
The general area has valid general information for a character based on dice theme 
(genesys has strength/flaw/desire/fear and star wars has motivations).  

Obligation/Duty/Morality area can be accessed by clicking on the header of the item on the biography section.