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Reduce footer items #116

Closed ujmappa closed 11 months ago

ujmappa commented 11 months ago

"Powered by Server-side Blazor", "Phantom HTML5 UP Template" and "Proudly Made in Michigan" are not needed in the footer. First two are technical details (they do not open in new tab?!), Michigan is something I would move to the blog.

The build number and build time are informations that would be needed in a troubleshooting page where user can send in an issue, otherwise it's an information that noone needs.

On the other hand "Terms of use" and "Privacy policy" are very much needed and important for legal issues, and they should be kept in the footer, but also have a place in the menu.

Mike-E-angelo commented 11 months ago

Thank you for your feedback. This is all work from the start of the project. The Phantom HTML5 Template was a request/requirement from the source provider to use their templates. Or really, a courtesy. It is their template which has been heavily modified for my own purposes here, but I still think it is respectful to let others know its origins.

Other information architecture decisions (and opinions :)) are probably best suited for appropriate personnel once I can afford them :D

ujmappa commented 11 months ago

Basically you are advertising that your product does not have a unique look :)

Mike-E-angelo commented 11 months ago

I'd rather think people prefer honesty than not. :D

ujmappa commented 11 months ago

Okay, let me honestly write the first thing that came to my mind when reading this: you could also write there the size of your cock. It would be honest, still, it's kind of an information you might keep for yourself...

Mike-E-angelo commented 11 months ago

I amend my statement to reflect appropriate honesty. 😘

To be clear here you are suggesting that I hide the fact that I used a template from a site whose requested suggestion for using said template was/is to make mention of the source of the originating content, i.e. link exchange.

ujmappa commented 11 months ago

At first place I am saying that this information does not belong on the footer. You can create a page for that info (like an impressum). On second place, I do not see a link to on the page of the template, so it is not a link exchange. First you speak about honesty, now link exchange.. I guess I cannot move you to professional direction, can I?

Mike-E-angelo commented 11 months ago

Indeed link exchange is not entirely accurate as it is one way, more like the spirit of one. I do think it's better to be honest more than not upfront. Especially when technically competing with fields (crypto) which seems to be anything but. If you did read their terms you should find that they requested a mention back to them (at least that is how I found it), and considering the amount of work they saved me up front I think the footer is plenty OK to show the love for a v0 product. 👍

ujmappa commented 11 months ago

They do not request it. And how long do you plan to stay at v0? Will you move it in v1?

Mike-E-angelo commented 11 months ago

They do not request it

I did now just check them out and it is indeed much different than I remember it. It was very clear/suggested to provide a link back to them, or maybe that was my impression. It was four years ago, after all. I was easily impressed back then what can I say. 😆

Will you move it in v1?

When I can afford it :)

I should also say I am thinking in terms of the UX being v0 currently. We're aiming for the site v1 in April, but it will feature the current UX which I consider v0 and a placeholder until the calvary arrives.

ujmappa commented 11 months ago

Okay, then back that I said previously: you are advertising that this an amateur site with a non-unique design. Pretty lame self-marketing when you ask me.. ;)

Mike-E-angelo commented 11 months ago

I appreciate that you're trying to improve the application, but calling someone or their efforts lame is simply not constructive.

ujmappa commented 11 months ago

Giving up on this as well.

Mike-E-angelo commented 11 months ago



Mike-E-angelo commented 11 months ago

Please note that I have removed the Blazor / HTML5UP / Michigan reference from the footer. There are references to these in the About / Acknowledgements and it's probably better to be subtle about it than not. I added a reference to HTML5UP there to ensure compliance with the above.

ujmappa commented 10 months ago

It's okay to have these informations, they just don't belong to the footer. Let's keep things not distracting and clean. Now only the build number and build time remains to be removed.

Mike-E-angelo commented 10 months ago

Now only the build number and build time remains to be removed.

I use these constantly and think they are/look cool. :) I have also seen other sites do this which is where I got the inspiration.

ujmappa commented 10 months ago

Okay, maybe later you make up your mind, users do not need it