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Storefront Analytics #30

Open Mike-E-angelo opened 1 year ago

Mike-E-angelo commented 1 year ago

We want to show artists:

wilogate commented 1 year ago

Okay these are the Cadillac version vs the Chevy ... could start with the chevy

Other ideas that would help me as an artist stay motivated and/or might make this the go-to place for the consumer (may be the wrong place to post this):

Mike-E-angelo commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your feedback @wilogate this is definitely not the wrong place and is definitely the RIGHT place to share feedback/ideas, especially if they keep you motivated in being a artist. 😁

We may be able to do ratings at some point, but to be certain I am not a fan of them when it comes to art. Too much can be made of bias or groupthink when that is introduced. There is a certain element of that with social media. "What should I think of this? Well, I will look at the ratio to start." This might be OK for discussion, but for art and how that makes one feel I think this is more 1-to-1 and should be personal without having someone else's judgment muddy their waters.

However, that said, I have my own idea on how to assist with "likability" and it's more effective than likes. The best Like someone could give, after all, is a purchase. This is a "Super Like" in many respects and the ultimate goal. Of course, with social media, millions of Likes are given and they cost more to process/host/render than they do in giving financial support to those you are providing it for.

I call it ... Fretware! Have you ever used Hotel sites and you are able to see how many people are looking at an offer or the last time someone purchased a reservation from the hotel? I would like to introduce the same thing for our storefronts. "10 people are looking at this right now, 2 people are purchasing it" ... etc. I think this will be a much more effective way of getting purchases as it shows activity and interest.

As for comments, this becomes a moderation challenge and also impacts bias which is a huge enemy in my world. A lot of sites open their doors to comments which at first seem like a very obvious feature but once you have a sense of what people have to say you quickly learn you do not want to hear it. :) Maybe there might be a way to introduce this however that does not cause such a liability.

Gratuity: if you are thinking tipping, I appreciate the idea, but if you are going to spend money on someone, why not purchase a license for .25 and get something back in return with a resale value that you can sell at a later date? Any money being sent to our artists should result in getting something in return. And with our pricepoints, that should occur no matter the value being exchanged.

Social Media Sharing: We do have a pretty basic sharing mechanism at the bottom of every storefront but it is not custom tailored to different platforms. I will get this captured. (edit: #36)

OK... as for the others, believe it or not, I have/had these captured locally/privately, but I will now get them captured here as this is becoming the project management hub for

Badges: Captured in #28 Auctions: #31 Special orders: #29 Follow Artist: #33 Subscriptions: #34 Wishlist: #35 need help with this one. :)

Thank you again for your feedback and please feel free to continue the conversation at the issues above to help provide more detail and to flesh them out accordingly. 👍

Mike-E-angelo commented 1 year ago

I never did update w/ Google Analytics. I want to leverage them for page views but this is not possible:

Mike-E-angelo commented 1 year ago

Want to provide a way to provide custom storefront referral links and see if they have been viewed.