Starbix / docker-synclounge

🐳 Dockerfile for SyncLounge
MIT License
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Broken with new version of SyncLounge #14

Open brettg0396 opened 4 years ago

brettg0396 commented 4 years ago

Since the apparent update of a few days ago (UI overhaul, not sure what under the hood changes accompany it), the server no longer appears to be working. Attempting to join yields no result (clicking join after entering room credentials doesn't do anything) and the container logs say only the following (grep'd to exclude lines containing "Connected users", and with some info redacted):

Setting up with serverRoot of /slserver
SyncLounge Server successfully started on port ####
Someone connected to the ptserver socket
Invalid join attempt {
  roomId: 'movie',
  password: 'night',                                                desiredUsername: '############',
  desiredPartyPausingEnabled: true,
  desiredAutoHostEnabled: false,
  thumb: '#############',
  syncFlexibility: 3000,
  time: 0,
  duration: 0,
  playbackRate: 0,
  state: 'stopped',
  media: null,
  playerProduct: 'SyncLounge'

> SyncLounge@2.0.0 server /opt/synclounge
> node server.js

Setting up with serverRoot of /slserver
SyncLounge Server successfully started on port ####

Not sure if this is something on my end, but I can confirm that this container worked literally the day before the changes to, so I am inclined to believe that something has changed in the way connections are made.

ttshivers commented 4 years ago

Yes. Some breaking changes were made between v2 and v3 of SyncLounge (hence the major version increase). It sounds like you are wanting to use for the web app but have it connect to your own socket server (which is what I assume you are running this container for). Is that right?

If you just want to host the socket server, use the synclounge/syncloungeserver docker images.

If you are also wanting to host both the web app and socket server, use the synclounge/synclounge docker images.

We abide by the semantic versioning guarantees, so in the future, you shouldn't find any breaking features unless there is a major version change (like there was from v2 to v3).

We are also still in the process of updating the documentation for the new version, so while that is happening, don't be afraid to ask any questions about configuring, etc.

brettg0396 commented 4 years ago

Yes, that's the idea. Should I just run both then? Everything's behind an nginx reverse proxy so I don't mind hosting the web app as well if that will fix it.

ttshivers commented 4 years ago

Sure! It sounds like you want to completely self host, and the new version makes it very easy to do that.

Sample nginx configs: