Starchasers / OCGlasses

mod for minecraft and addon for Open Computers
zlib License
31 stars 17 forks source link

EntityTracker3D not working with "PLAYER" trackingType #52

Closed Zephyranthes28 closed 5 years ago

Zephyranthes28 commented 5 years ago

I have been trying to get an object to render on a player, in this case, a white sphere, and using the 'Living' or 'Player' types, it doesn't work. However, it does work with 'All'.

I couldn't figure out what the issue was myself, however I'm not very well versed in lua so it could be user error.

Player standing next to a chick-

Here's the snippet I ran to generate that-

component = require("component")

fh ="/home/test.obj", "r")
objData = fh:read("*a")

g = component.glasses.addEntityTracker3D()

g.addScale(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
g.setTrackingType("LIVING", 32)
ben-mkiv commented 5 years ago

thanks for your bugreport

ben-mkiv commented 5 years ago

bug is fixed in 2.0.1 release which is now on curseforge