Starcommander / StreamRadio

Play network-radio channels, and add your custom channels.
GNU General Public License v3.0
19 stars 8 forks source link

music visualizer #7

Open no-go opened 5 years ago

no-go commented 5 years ago


I did it again and build a new "sweded" version. I import some files from and got after small modifications a music visualisation. The "android-audio-visualizer" project is not GNU license, but Apache 2. Just adopting some file sould not run in any trouble (?)

I am sorry, but my master thesis is on my agenda again and I will leave you alone with your WebRadio App. I hope, I could support you a little bit with some tweaks ;-)

Viele Grüße vom Niederrhein Jochen photo

Starcommander commented 5 years ago

It has nothing to do with "Just adopting some file" , because each line of code is licensed in apache2. Basically it should be possible to include this library without any troubles.

Maybe you can supply the differences for this nice changes?! Next time I will try to create a new Version for FDroid. Thanks for your very helpful work.

no-go commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your very helpful work.


ok, I try to explain my copy/paste decisions a bit:

First I search a opensource app on fdroid to look into the "equilzer" code, because another issue describes the system-wide equilizer as 'it is easy' (?). I found with a "to complex" equlizer and decide to take a look into the "visualizer" code. Surprise! There is a lib for that! ... but after hours of work and try to fix: the lib eplainations does not work!!!

hm. What happend? I look to the expaination how to add to the dependencies and the sample code description. After doing this everything seams to work. But: App crashed very early with some "DEX zip ... BarViritualizer not found". After a long time to fix it, I decided to look into the "bob app" code: Ups!

Because of the 2. point and the only magic in the code seams to come from I decide to include the lib code into my app by drag-and-dropping it from the zip-download into my intellij IDE:

Because of the inline code hints and inline license hints I had no hesitation in copying that.

After doing that:

The only bug I found: if the sound plays and the visualizer work, switching the dark/day theme crashes the App

I hope, I have not forgotten anything. maybe you have use the new 28 appcombat

no-go commented 5 years ago

The only bug I found: if the sound plays and the visualizer work, switching the dark/day theme crashes the App

The trick to fix this bug: doing release for recreate() in the 2 action items:

 mPreferences.edit().putBoolean("is_dark", false).apply();
no-go commented 5 years ago

Hi. A friend test a modified App and got an "App crash issue" on changing to night/day mode.

I only fix this by a real "app close and reopen":

 mPreferences.edit().putBoolean("is_dark", false).commit();
 Intent mStartActivity = new Intent(this, WebRadio.class);
 int mPendingIntentId = 123456;
 PendingIntent mPendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, mPendingIntentId, mStartActivity, PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT);
 AlarmManager mgr = (AlarmManager) getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);
 mgr.set(AlarmManager.RTC, System.currentTimeMillis() + 500, mPendingIntent);

Not a good solution :-S and the +500ms feels like 3sec

Starcommander commented 5 years ago

No, the solution is not good! To find the reason of app crash we need a log-output. With android-sdk you can connect the phone, and enter "adb logcat" to get the logs. Then you should be able to find an exception or a stack trace for this issue. (look at the timestamps)

(An other way is to just drop the visualizer that needs accu-power and additional permission)

no-go commented 5 years ago

I know about the logging, but without the device which result in that crash issue, it is impossible :-S

I did not even know, if it is the result of the visualizer or a "recreate()" issue special on android 9.