Starcounter / DevTools

A browser extension that helps you debug Starcounter apps with ease
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Various blocking issues #77

Closed thebrauer closed 6 years ago

thebrauer commented 6 years ago

Both me and my colleague are having several blocking issues with the browser extension in Chrome. I can't provide steps for reproducing them because it seems to be random. But it happens several times a day. Here are the ones I can think of right away:

1, It freezes the browser tab often. You have to wait for Chrome to crash the tab and then you can reload it. 2, It often produces "Connection Error" when you use our application. See error message below. 3, The values in the tree does not update even though the value in the html/browser is updated from the server.

Because of these issues we have have the plugin disabled and to go to chrome://extensions and enable the plugin each time we need it and then you have a short window before it produces one or more of the issues. Then you have to disable it, reload the page, enable it and reload the page again. This is unsustainable for us.

Please give us access to the custom element from before until these issues are fixed so that we can continue having access to the devtools.

Starcounter.XSON.JsonPatchException: Unhandled expection when evaluating path in patch. Patch: '{"op":"replace","path":"/HeadsWMS_0/HeadsPages/1/Content/HeadsWMS_0/SelectedTypes/proto/0/HeadsOrderSection/Open$","value":"1"}'. Property: 'proto'. Viewmodel versions: {client (_ver#c$): 9, clients serverversion: 11, server (_ver#s): 11}.
vid Starcounter.XSON.JsonProperty.DoEvaluate(Json root) i C:\TeamCity\BuildAgent\work\sc-13063\Level1\src\Starcounter.XSON\Sessions\JSON-Patch\JsonProperty.cs:rad 92
vid Starcounter.XSON.JsonProperty.Evaluate(JsonPointer pointer, Json root) i C:\TeamCity\BuildAgent\work\sc-13063\Level1\src\Starcounter.XSON\Sessions\JSON-Patch\JsonProperty.cs:rad 62
vid Starcounter.XSON.DefaultPatchHandler.Handle(Json root, JsonPatchOperation patchOp, JsonPointer pointer, String value) i C:\TeamCity\BuildAgent\work\sc-13063\Level1\src\Starcounter.XSON\Sessions\JSON-Patch\DefaultPatchHandler.cs:rad 19
vid Starcounter.XSON.JsonPatch.HandleOnePatch(Json root, JsonPatchOperation op, JsonPointer ptr, String value, Int32 patchCount, `ChangeLog changeLog, Object sourceJson, Boolean strictRejection, JsonPatchStatus previousStatus) i C:\TeamCity\BuildAgent\work\sc-13063\Level1\src\Starcounter.XSON\Sessions\JSON-Patch\JsonPatch.cs:rad 605
vid Starcounter.XSON.JsonPatch.Apply(Json root, JsonTextReader reader, Boolean strictPatchRejection, Object sourceJson, Int32& patchCount) i C:\TeamCity\BuildAgent\work\sc-13063\Level1\src\Starcounter.XSON\Sessions\JSON-Patch\JsonPatch.cs:rad 526
vid Starcounter.XSON.JsonPatch.Apply(Json root, String patch, Boolean strictPatchRejection, Int32& patchCount) i C:\TeamCity\BuildAgent\work\sc-13063\Level1\src\Starcounter.XSON\Sessions\JSON-Patch\JsonPatch.cs:rad 414
vid Starcounter.Internal.PuppetRestHandler.HandleWebSocketJson(String bs, WebSocket ws) i C:\TeamCity\BuildAgent\work\sc-13063\Level1\src\Starcounter.Apps.JsonPatch\BuiltInRestHandlers\PuppetRestHandler.cs:rad 73
---> System.Exception: The current token is not a number.
vid Starcounter.XSON.JsonPointer.get_CurrentAsInt() i C:\TeamCity\BuildAgent\work\sc-13063\Level1\src\Starcounter.XSON\Sessions\JSON-Patch\JsonPointer.cs:rad 152
vid Starcounter.XSON.JsonProperty.EvalutateCurrent(ViewModelVersion version) i C:\TeamCity\BuildAgent\work\sc-13063\Level1\src\Starcounter.XSON\Sessions\JSON-Patch\JsonProperty.cs:rad 102
vid Starcounter.Advanced.XSON.JsonExtension.Scope(Json json, Action action) i C:\TeamCity\BuildAgent\work\sc-13063\Level1\src\Starcounter.XSON\Advanced\JsonExtension.cs:rad 69
vid Starcounter.XSON.JsonProperty.DoEvaluate(Json root) i C:\TeamCity\BuildAgent\work\sc-13063\Level1\src\Starcounter.XSON\Sessions\JSON-Patch\JsonProperty.cs:rad 78
warpech commented 6 years ago

Thanks for reporting.

1, It freezes the browser tab often. You have to wait for Chrome to crash the tab and then you can reload it.

Can you say what is the version of:

I am asking because in the version DevTools 3.3.0 we made some performance improvements.

2, It often produces "Connection Error" when you use our application. See error message below.

I might be wrong, but the error message does not look like it could be caused by anything in the extension. We will consider that, though. Are you sure?

3, The values in the tree does not update even though the value in the html/browser is updated from the server.

It would help to investigate if you could reproduce it with one of our sample apps, such as KitchenSink. I just tried KitchenSink + Blending in Starcounter with DevTools 3.3.0 and it worked well.

warpech commented 6 years ago


Please give us access to the custom element from before until these issues are fixed so that we can continue having access to the devtools.

You still have access to the custom element. The version 2.1.0 is usable as <starcounter-debug-aid>. You need to import it and put it anywhere in your app HTML views.

thebrauer commented 6 years ago



Starcounter DevTools extension



Palindrom.version gives me undefined. In Sources in Chrome i find palindrom-dom.min.js and that has /*! Palindrom, version: 3.0.9 */

do you use Starcounter DevTools overlay or popup?


Are you sure?

Yes. The error disappears when I disable the plugin.

warpech commented 6 years ago

Sorry for the delay. We will investigate it this week.

alshakero commented 6 years ago
  1. 3.3.1 is released now and it fixes the freezing issue.
  2. I highly suspect the DevTools doesn't have to do with the second point. I'll hope that the freezing was ruining the patch order thus creating an error.
  3. I'll look into it.
thebrauer commented 6 years ago

I have downloaded it and will see how it performs over time.

The first thing I noticed is if you click on the icon while the popup is open it freezes the tab.

alshakero commented 6 years ago

The first thing I noticed is if you click on the icon while the popup is open it freezes the tab.

Could you tell me which icon?

thebrauer commented 6 years ago

Could you tell me which icon?

warpech commented 6 years ago

The first thing I noticed is if you click on the icon while the popup is open it freezes the tab.

I can't reproduce it.

I will reach out to you on Slack to attempt setting up some Hangouts session to reproduce it.

warpech commented 6 years ago

@thebrauer did you get my message on Slack? Can we make a Hangouts session to reproduce this issue?

warpech commented 6 years ago

@thebrauer are deeply interested to fix performance and stability issues with our highest priority, but this time we can only do that if you help us to reproduce it or witness it in a Hangouts session.

warpech commented 6 years ago

Closing because of inactivity. @thebrauer please reopen when you're ready to provide us with more information.