Starcounter / starcounter-include

Custom Element to include HTML partials/templates from Starcounter
MIT License
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Research binding to the data within compositions #117

Closed warpech closed 5 years ago

warpech commented 5 years ago

Consider binding to the data within compositions. This will be useful to create conditional compositions, etc.

warpech commented 5 years ago

@alshakero can you think of what would be the consequences of this? I can think of at least now:

In the source code of HTML compositions that is allowed to use data binding, you will obviously want to use things like dom-if. The popup composition editor will mess things up, because it considers innerHTML to be equivalent of the source code, while it is not. For example, you want <template is="dom-if"> in the source code, but not the stamped result of it.

Can you work on initial implementation:

Preferably in two separate PRs.

warpech commented 5 years ago

On the Group One meeting 2018-12-19 it was decided that we will not implement this, for the following reasons:

The implementation of the atoms ( should reduce the need for data binding in the custom compositions.

tomalec commented 5 years ago

However, the view of individual atom, could be changed with pro-blending-editor. There solution owner/designer could use data binding with model and semantics data, as well as, light and shadow DOM.

warpech commented 5 years ago

Follow up: