Starcross / bing-wallpaper-cinnamon

Bing Desktop Wallpaper for Cinnamon
GNU General Public License v3.0
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App Won't Update Wallpaper After Running Better Backgrounds by simonmicro #1

Open amarraff opened 6 months ago

amarraff commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the great applet! Unfortunately, it has stopped working for me, so I wanted to bring it to your attention.

I installed Bing Desktop Wallpaper first, and enabled it.

I then installed Better Backgrounds to see how it works, removed Bing Desktop Wallpaper from the panel, and added Better Backgrounds. After doing this, something seems to have broken. Bing Desktop Wallpaper will no longer update my wallpaper. Previously, it updated my wallpaper as soon as I added the applet to my panel.

Perhaps because the two applets share such similar functionality, something from Better Backgrounds hogged the priority or overwrote something? I tried uninstalling Better Backgrounds, reinstalling Bing Desktop Wallpaper, as well as hitting the "reset all" button in the applets manager, but Bing Desktop Wallpaper still won't change my wallpaper.

Update: After a day passed, the applet worked and changed my wallpaper. So it's not fully broken, which is good! However, I tested it by uninstalling the applet, changing my wallpaper to a stock Linux Mint one, and then reinstalling the applet. Upon reinstalling, it once again did not change my wallpaper. Something somewhere definitely appears to have broken.

Starcross commented 6 months ago

Hi there,

I think there is an improvement to be made here, as the refresh loop only checks for the latest image online, and if it looks like the local downloaded image is up to date. It could also potentially check the currently set background is the Bing image path. This would happen every 5 minutes with the current refresh window (or immediately if you reactivate/reinstall). Right now you would have to wait up to 24 hours depending when the next Bing image becomes available.

As a general comment around this, there is no way for the various background setting applets to co-ordinate with each other and play nice. Neither can they work with the Cinnamon Background settings an any meaningful way afaik. It's simply a case of whatever the last thing to set the background takes precedence. If you have an applet running that's more 'aggressive' than others, it will probably win out!