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Botanical Garden ~ museum expansion (mod idea) #1033

Open cho0pera opened 1 year ago

cho0pera commented 1 year ago

We have the vanilla museum of artifacts. We have Stardew Aquarium (SA). How about a new place where the farmer can donate flowers and other plants to add to the research collection of a botanical garden?

One idea for the location could be the desert, to the west of the road. A new map could be added that is accessible from the desert by walking left or from the bus stop. (Can add alternative transportation to unlock earlier but personally, I don't think everything needs to be immediately accessible - plus we need time to grow stuff!) A sanctuary location inside a massive greenhouse would be nice in the arid desert landscape.

There could be an NPC resident who serves as the museum's director of research and handles the donations. It would be nice if it played a similar role to the owl professor in ACNH (Animal Crossing New Horizons) and shared interesting tidbits at the time of donation. However, display cases with plaques giving the info would also suffice (as it is in SA).

There are several great mods for flowers already and perhaps their creators might be interested in lending their flowers to the project or being a dependency. I think SA adds support for any mods that want to add their fish to the aquarium's exhibits. New flowers could also be added, tho there are really so many flower mods that would be wonderful features already.

An enticing reward system would enhance things too. SA offers several neat additions such as magic legendary bait, a fish bowl, and some vanilla items related to fishing. I'm sure there a plenty of creative flower/plant-themed items that could be included. Maybe special fertilizers like Atra's More Fertilizers. New recipes for floral goods - cooking, crafting, decor. The scientific botanical aspect is a feature for me. I'd love to learn facts about the plants I'm growing. Even made-up varieties can have their lore included in a sciency way. What else.... more giant flowers crops! special bee houses. Medicinal honeys?

It would be even more magnificent if the NPC museum director could become a full NPC with a backstory and present story and gift tastes, relationships, etc. Not necessarily marriageable, but friendable. Perhaps starting as antisocial and unlocking later. (I want more life in the desert, someone to live near Sandy in her lonely shop)

That's it for the brain dump. ~FLOWER MUSEUM idea submitted. ~

Enteligenz commented 1 year ago

Hmm I kind of like this idea, though as I am kinda new to modding I don't think I could finish this any time soon. Since you mentioned flower mods, do you have any examples? I'm honestly struggling with finding a lot, since the Nexus search is a bit meh ^^