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Genie Lamp, wish for ANY ITEM in the game! Can pay commission, more details inside. #1180

Closed Dragonfabri closed 3 months ago

Dragonfabri commented 5 months ago

Hi all! I was wondering if anyone could make a "simple" mod for me, i'll make it worth your while!

If you have already published mods on Nexus/Steam, link them and i can pay you beforehand! Otherwise i'll try it first, then pay you once all is in order.

Anyway, i'd like the following mod:

GENIE LAMP Consumable item that, once used, opens a prompt to put in any item ID/Name to have a single copy of such item spawn! The lamp however requires 1 BILLION GOLD (1 Million gold sell price, stackable) to buy from a merchant.

The must-have features:

-) MADE FOR 1.6 Making use of its new Item ID logics and fully compatible for it

-) COMPATIBLE WITH ALL 1.6 MODS With the new ID system this should sinply translate to "insert modded item id here", but i'm no expert .

-) NO ITEM RESTRICTIONS: Any items that literally can't be spawned (or which crash the game if spawned) should be exempt from this ofc.

-) Able to spawn mod items (but i guess those have IDs too)

I know there's already CJB Item spawner mod, but i'm requesting this mod for two reasons: the former mod isn't able to give you LITERALLY any item in the game (and thanks to Shockah i can see why now!), and secondly, i want a way to access these items without really cheating, by instead having to ammass a fortune for just a single lamp shot at these items, let alone many!

Thanks in advance! My discord is Dragonfabri#1829

Shockah commented 5 months ago

The problematic items are problematic for a reason.

Dragonfabri commented 5 months ago

The problematic items are problematic for a reason.

Well yeah, but since the CJB spawner can still spawn them, i don't see why to exclude them here. Unless they literally crash the game ofc

Shockah commented 5 months ago

What you see in CJB is what it can spawn at all. The problematic items are not problematic because they crash the game, but because it's not possible to spawn them in without cooperation from the mod that adds them.

Shockah commented 5 months ago

For what it's worth, the upcoming version of the game (1.6) has tons of changes under the hood to how items work and are constructed, which should make this easier, although it's still possible to have some outliers.

Dragonfabri commented 5 months ago

For what it's worth, the upcoming version of the game (1.6) has tons of changes under the hood to how items work and are constructed, which should make this easier, although it's still possible to have some outliers.

I see, so would you suggest waiting for 1.6, installing the alpha or just commission it for 1.6 compatibility?

Shockah commented 5 months ago

I'd honestly suggest not asking for the impossible, aka spawning "literally any item", but also waiting for 1.6. And then commission just the Genie / UI part of it, for whatever is actually possible to spawn in a relatively simple way (which should still include more things than it currently can).

Dragonfabri commented 5 months ago

I'd honestly suggest not asking for the impossible, aka spawning "literally any item", but also waiting for 1.6. And then commission just the Genie / UI part of it, for whatever is actually possible to spawn in a relatively simple way (which should still include more things than it currently can).

Solid advice, thank you! Will edit it then to account for "as many items as possible" plus 1.6 compatibility only

aedenthorn commented 5 months ago

image This works, except for items that have the exact same display name (e.g. Wallpaper)

Dragonfabri commented 5 months ago

image This works, except for items that have the exact same display name (e.g. Wallpaper)

So quick! And looks perfect! Can you share it?

aedenthorn commented 5 months ago

Dragonfabri commented 5 months ago

My goodness, you rock! It's even made for 1.6! I'll be the first to test it once that version comes out, you have been amazing, and amazingly fast too!

Dragonfabri commented 5 months ago

Oh by the way, i can commission Kedidili to make a Genie Lamp item that does what your mod does, with its own item sprite and sold for absurd amounts of money. Is it fine if i were to commission such a mod? Of course credit would be given, or maybe you can contact Kedidili herself and see which of you would like to publish it under their name, but let me know!

WitheredSouls1 commented 5 months ago

You could check here for any possible comms

Dragonfabri commented 5 months ago

You could check here for any possible comms

Thank you, that's the list i checked and found Kedidili!