Basic concept: train your dog to gather stuff on your farm for you.
What dog can do: gather forage items (including truffles) on your farm, dig up artefact spots, bring gathered/found items to a specific spot where player can pick them up
How training works, example:
give a truffle to your dog a few times over a span of days
dog's reaction changes from -(??) to -(?) to (...) to -(...!) and finally (-!!) at which point its training is complete and it will begin to gather truffles whenever they appear on your farm
Artefact spot training is done by leading or calling the dog to an artefact spot and digging at it with the hoe. Dog reacts like in item-fetching training.
Balance, QoL, and limitations
dog will not harvest crops other than forage items from Wild Seeds
training can only begin after highest friendship level is reached ("Spot loves you!") (need to establish that communication and trust!)
training consumes the forage item
during year 1, dog can only learn one behaviour (it's still a junior after all)
starting year 2, the dog can learn a maximum of 2 skills per year
overall, one dog can learn a total of (5?) different behaviours
the behaviours the dog has mastered and is being trained for can be checked by prolonged right click on the dog, similar to looking up livestock details
once (5?) skills have been mastered, 'leftover' training is discarded
once (5?) skills have been mastered, attempting to train the dog more results in confusion -(...?) and a textual reminder that your dog is already highly educated
the dog doesn't forget behaviours it has learned (it's a dog, not a Pokémon)
(but you could bring a prehistoric sloth bone to a Dark Shrine to lose ALL of the dog's learned skills and half of its friendship level)
to be compatible with mods that allow multiple dogs per farm, the training should be tied to the animal's individual ID entity
additionally, if Dark Shrine function is implemented, it should allow multi-dog owners to select the relevant dog by name
Basic concept: train your dog to gather stuff on your farm for you.
What dog can do: gather forage items (including truffles) on your farm, dig up artefact spots, bring gathered/found items to a specific spot where player can pick them up
How training works, example:
Artefact spot training is done by leading or calling the dog to an artefact spot and digging at it with the hoe. Dog reacts like in item-fetching training.
Balance, QoL, and limitations