StardewModders / mod-translations

For modders requesting translations, and translators looking to help!
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More Animals 3.0 #10

Closed Entoarox closed 5 years ago

Entoarox commented 5 years ago

More Animals lets you to get more pets, and optionally randomises the appearance of your farm animals based on the sprites you download.

Requested translations

See default text and translation guide. These translations are requested:

language translations status
Chinese zh.json added (thanks to @binxhlin!)
French fr.json added (thanks to @ManekiNeko-89!).
German missing
Hungarian missing
Italian it.json added (thanks to @sfal!).
Japanese missing
Korean ko.json added (thanks to @S2SKY!).
Portuguese pt.json added (thanks to @kelvindules!).
Russian ru.json added (thanks to @TheOzonO3!).
Spanish es.json added (thanks to @manuqp!).
Turkish missing

Here's where the translations appear:



See also

Pathoschild commented 5 years ago

@Entoarox I expanded your description per Modding:Translations#Request translations. Can you fill in the TODOs (see this ticket for an example)?

ManekiNeko-89 commented 5 years ago

{ "EmptyBox": "Juste une boîte vide.", "AdoptMessage": "Oh non, on dirait que quelqu'un a abandonné un pauvre {{petType}} ici ! Peut-être devriez-vous payer Marnie {{adoptionPrice}} po pour qu'elle lui fasse un bilan de santé pour pouvoir l'adopter ?", "AdoptNoGold": "Malheureusement, je n'ai pas les {{adoptionPrice}} po nécessaires pour le faire.", "AdoptYes": "Oui, je devrais vraiment adopter ce pauvre animal !", "AdoptNo": "Non, je n'ai pas la place pour l'accueillir.", "ChooseName": "Choisissez un nom", "Adopted": "Marnie amènera {{petName}} chez vous une fois qu'elle aura fait leur bilan de santé." }

manuqp commented 5 years ago

Spanish translation :)

{ "EmptyBox": "Solo es una caja vacía.", "AdoptMessage": "¡Oh cielos, parece que alguien ha abandonado un ejemplar de {{petType}}! Quizás pueda pagarle a Marnie {{adoptionPrice}}G para que le haga un chequeo y así poder adoptarlo.", "AdoptNoGold": "Desgraciadamente, no tengo los {{adoptionPrice}}G para hacerlo.", "AdoptYes": "¡Sí, debería adoptar al pobre animal!", "AdoptNo": "No, no tengo espacio para acogerlo.", "ChooseName": "Elige un nombre", "Adopted": "Marnie llevará a {{petName}} a tu casa una vez le haya hecho el chequeo." }

binxhlin commented 5 years ago

Hello I create "zh.txt" file and you just rename ".txt" to ".json" zh.txt

Pathoschild commented 5 years ago

@Entoarox You have a pending translation above; could you add it to the repository?

Entoarox commented 5 years ago

@Pathoschild I already added it on my end, guess it didnt sync to github >_<

Pathoschild commented 5 years ago

@Entoarox Any progress on syncing it to GitHub?

Pathoschild commented 5 years ago

@Entoarox I closed this ticket due to non-response. Feel free to create a new ticket when you have time to handle translations!