StardewModders / mod-translations

For modders requesting translations, and translators looking to help!
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Angry Grandpa v1.2.0 #31

Open Jonqora opened 3 years ago

Jonqora commented 3 years ago

Angry Grandpa - Farm Evaluation Overhaul

This mod offers a complete overhaul of the grandpa evaluation system! It adds new dialogue options, expressive portraits, difficulty settings, visible scores, scheduling, unlimited evaluations, and optional bonus rewards. It is fully configurable and can be used on new OR existing saves, even in late-game.

See the README file for full details on mod features and configuration.

Requested translations

See default text and the translation guide. These translations are requested:

Where translations appear in-game

All the most important translations are seen in the dialogue scripts of the grandpa evaluation and re-evaluation events. Note that grandpa uses different dialogue responses for part of the script when players earn 1, 2, 3, or 4 candles.

Translators can use reset_evaluation in the SMAPI console on a test save to undo all previous evaluations and see the original evaluation event script again. Another useful tip is to request an evaluation or re-evaluation before going to bed in the game. When you wake up and see the event, you can then exit to the main menu, change your config dialogue and/or difficulty settings, and replay the day to view the same event with a different script.

Some translations are seen on grandpa's note (found on the shrine at the beginning of a new game) or in the player's mail collection in the first slot. Using reset_evaluation in the SMAPI console will also reset this note. Other translations are seen as error messages whenever invalid values are entered in the config.json file. Finally, a number of config translations are used only when Generic Mod Config Menu is installed to edit config options in the main screen settings menu.

Notes for translators

The mod's "Vanilla" dialogue scripts can and should be taken directly from the game's Content files, with {{tokens}} added to them where indicated. "Original" dialogue scripts for non-English languages are not available from early versions of the game, but in the mod these scripts should be kept very similar to Vanilla, differing only where the English text does. "Nuclear" dialogue translations are much more flexible, so feel free to be creative here with your use of colloquial expressions and profanity!

More notes and specific directions for certain translation strings can be found throughout the default.json file.


Full credit for translators is provided in the release notes. Thanks!

See also

Jonqora commented 3 years ago

I forgot to add the "needs" labels and can't find out how to add them now. Is that something I can do from here or does someone with more permissions need to do it?

Pathoschild commented 3 years ago

@Jonqora I added the tags, and sent you an invite to join the modders group so you can manage tickets too.

Jonqora commented 3 years ago

Version 1.1.0 of this mod has been released with French and Portuguese language support, hooray!

Jonqora commented 3 years ago

Version 1.2.0 of this mod has been released with Italian language support!

P.S. Three new text entries have been added to default.json for a new config option.

777PamPam777 commented 1 month ago

German Translation.
