StardewModders / mod-translations

For modders requesting translations, and translators looking to help!
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Data Layers 1.12.2 #34

Closed Pathoschild closed 3 years ago

Pathoschild commented 4 years ago

Data Layers overlays the world with visual data like bee/Junimo/scarecrow/sprinkler coverage, hidden paths and warps, and more.

Requested translations

See default text and the translation guide. These translations are requested:

Where translations appear in-game

Press F2 in-game to show the data layer menu, then press left CTRL or right CTRL to cycle through the available overlays. See the readme for an example of each overlay.


Full credit for translators is provided in the release notes. Thanks!

See also

alva-seal commented 3 years ago

I send the pull request ed3597d for german

elCrimar commented 3 years ago

Here is the translation in Spanish ;D

{ // accessible "": "Accesible", "accessible.clear": "Despejado", "accessible.occupied": "Ocupado", "accessible.impassable": "Intransitable", "accessible.warp": "Warp",

// buildable
"": "Edificable",
"buildable.buildable": "Puede Construir aquí",
"buildable.occupied": "Ocupado",
"buildable.not-buildable": "No puede Construir aquí",

// coverage: bee houses
"": "Cobertura: Casas de Abejas",
"bee-houses.range": "Rango de la Flor",

// coverage: Junimo huts
"": "Cobertura: Chozas Junimo",
"junimo-huts.can-harvest": "Pueden cosechar",
"junimo-huts.cannot-harvest": "No pueden cosechar",

// coverage: scarecrows
"": "Cobertura: Espantapájaros",
"scarecrows.protected": "Protegido",
"": "Expuesto",

// coverage: sprinklers
"": "Cobertura: Aspersores",
"sprinklers.covered": "Cubierto",
"sprinklers.dry-crops": "Cultivos Secos",

// crops: harvest
"": "Cultivos: Listo para Cosechar",
"crop-harvest.ready": "Listo",
"crop-harvest.not-ready": "No Listo",
"crop-harvest.not-enough-time": "Sin Tiempo Suficiente",

// crops: watered
"": "Cultivos: Regado",
"crop-water.watered": "Cultivo Regado",
"crop-water.dry": "Cultivos Seco",

// crops: water for paddy crops
"": "Cultivos: Agua para Cultivos de Arroz",
"": "Cerca del Agua",
"crop-paddy-water.not-in-range": "Tierra Seca",

// crops: fertilized
"": "Cultivos: Fertilizados",
"crop-fertilizer.fertilizer": "Fertilizado",
"crop-fertilizer.retaining-soil": "Reteniendo Suelo",
"crop-fertilizer.speed-gro": "Creciendo con Velocidad",

// machine processing
"": "Máquinas de Procesamiento",
"machines.empty": "Vacío",
"machines.processing": "Procesando",
"machines.finished": "Finalizado",

// tile grid
"": "Cuadrícula de Baldosas",

// tillable
"": "Cultivable",
"tillable.tillable": "Cultivable",
"tillable.tilled": "Cultivado",
"tillable.occupied": "Ocupado",
"tillable.not-tillable": "No Cultivable"


Pathoschild commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the help! Added to the upcoming Data Layers 1.13.2.

Pathoschild commented 3 years ago

Translations complete. Thanks to all the translators! 🎊