StardewModders / mod-translations

For modders requesting translations, and translators looking to help!
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CJB Cheats Menu 1.28 #41

Open Pathoschild opened 3 years ago

Pathoschild commented 3 years ago

CJB Cheats Menu adds an in-game cheats menu with lots of cheats.

Requested translations

See default text and the translation guide. These translations are requested:

Where translations appear in-game

Most translations appear in the menu shown when you press P in-game. For example:

This one appears outside the menu:


Full credit for translators is provided in the release notes. Thanks!

See also

Aminato01 commented 3 years ago

I completed the french translation

{ /* * Main translations / // mod name shown in the menu "mod-name": "CJB Menu de triche",

// tab names "tabs.player-and-tools": "Joueur & Outils", "": "Ferme & Pêche", "tabs.skills": "Compétences", "": "Météo", "tabs.relationships": "Social", "tabs.warp": "Téléportation", "tabs.time": "Temps", "tabs.advanced": "Avancé", "tabs.controls": "Contrôles",

/* * Player & Tools tab / // player "player.title": "Joueur", "player.infinite-stamina": "Énergie infinie", "player.infinite-health": "Santé infinie", "player.instant-cooldowns": "Temps de recharge instantané pour les armes", "player.inventory-size": "Taille de l'inventaire", "player.movement-speed": "Vitesse de déplacement", "player.movement-speed.default": "normale", "": "Tue en un coup", "player.max-daily-luck": "Chance quotidienne maximale",

// tools "tools.title": "Outils", "tools.infinite-water": "Arrosoir - Eau infinie pour l'arrosoir", "": "Casse en un coup", "tools.harvest-with-scythe": "Récolter avec la faux",

// money "": "Argent", "": "Pièces de casino", "add.golden-walnuts": "Noix Dorées", "add.qi-gems": "Gemmes Qi", "add.amount-gold": "Ajouter {{amount}}po", "add.amount-other": "Ajouter {{amount}}",

/* * Farm & Fishing tab / // farm "farm.title": "Ferme", "": "Arroser les champs automatiquement", "farm.durable-fences": "Clôture durable", "farm.instant-build": "Construction instantanée", "farm.always-auto-feed": "Toujours nourrir automatiquement", "": "Caresser les animaux automatiquement", "farm.infinite-hay": "Foin infini",

// fishing "fishing.title": "Pêche", "fishing.instant-catch": "Capture instantanée", "fishing.instant-bite": "Prise instantanée", "fishing.always-throw-max-distance": "Toujours jeter à la distance maximale", "fishing.always-treasure": "Toujours un trésor", "fishing.durable-tackles": "Matériel de pêche durable",

// fast machine "fast-machines.title": "Transformation rapide", "fast-machines.fruit-trees": "Arbres fruitiers", "fast-machines.ready-in-the-morning": "{{machineName}} (prêt le matin)",

/* * Skills tab / // skills "skills.title": "Compétences", "skills.increase-farming": "Augm. Niveau d'Agriculture: {{currentLevel}}", "skills.increase-mining": "Augm. Niveau d'Ext. Minière: {{currentLevel}}", "skills.increase-foraging": "Augm. Niveau de Cueillette: {{currentLevel}}", "skills.increase-fishing": "Augm. Niveau de Pêche: {{currentLevel}}", "skills.increase-combat": "Augm. Niveau de Combat: {{currentLevel}}", "skills.reset": "RÉINITIALISER LES COMPÉTENCES !",

// professions "professions.title": "Professions", "professions.combat.fighter": "Combat lvl 5 - Combattant", "professions.combat.scout": "Combat lvl 5 - Éclaireur", "professions.combat.acrobat": "Combat lvl 10 - Acrobate", "professions.combat.brute": "Combat lvl 10 - Brute", "professions.combat.defender": "Combat lvl 10 - Défenseur", "professions.combat.desperado": "Combat lvl 10 - Desperado", "professions.farming.rancher": "Agriculture lvl 5 - Éleveur de bétail", "professions.farming.tiller": "Agriculture lvl 5 - Cultivateur", "professions.farming.agriculturist": "Agriculture lvl 10 - Agriculteur", "professions.farming.artisan": "Agriculture lvl 10 - Artisan", "professions.farming.coopmaster": "Agriculture lvl 10 - Maître du poulailler", "professions.farming.shepherd": "Agriculture lvl 10 - Berger", "": "Pêche lvl 5 - Pêcheur", "": "Pêche lvl 5 - Trappeur", "": "Pêche lvl 10 - Pêcheur", "": "Pêche lvl 10 - Maître des leurres", "": "Pêche lvl 10 - Loup de mer", "": "Pêche lvl 10 - Pirate", "professions.foraging.forester": "Cueillette lvl 5 - Forestier", "professions.foraging.gatherer": "Cueillette lvl 5 - Chasseur-cueilleur", "professions.foraging.botanist": "Cueillette lvl 10 - Botaniste", "professions.foraging.lumberjack": "Cueillette lvl 10 - Bûcheron", "professions.foraging.tapper": "Cueillette lvl 10 - Saigneur", "professions.foraging.tracker": "Cueillette lvl 10 - Traqueur", "professions.mining.geologist": "Ext. Minière lvl 5 - Géologue", "professions.mining.miner": "Ext. Minière lvl 5 - Mineur", "professions.mining.blacksmith": "Ext. Minière lvl 10 - Forgeron", "professions.mining.excavator": "Ext. Minière lvl 10 - Excavateur", "professions.mining.gemologist": "Ext. Minière lvl 10 - Gemmologue", "professions.mining.prospector": "Ext. Minière lvl 10 - Prospecteur",

/* * Weather tab / "weather.title": "Météo de demain", "weather.current": "Actuelle", "weather.sunny": "Soleil", "weather.raining": "Pluie", "weather.lightning": "Orage", "weather.snowing": "Neige",

/* * Relationships tab / "relationships.title": "Social", "relationships.give-gifts-anytime": "Donner un cadeau n'importe quand", "": "Pas de dégradation de l'amitié", "relationships.friends": "Amis",

/* * Warps tab / // main areas "warp-section.main": "Zones principales", "": "Ferme", "warp.carpenter": "Scierie", "warp.desert": "Désert", "warp.mines": "Mines", "warp.pierre-shop": "Magasin de Pierre",

// town "": "En ville", "warp.blacksmith": "Forgeron", "": "Centre communautaire", "warp.jojamart": "Marché Joja", "": "Cinéma", "": "Musée", "warp.saloon": "Saloon", "warp.sewer": "Égout",

// forest "warp-section.forest": "En forêt", "warp.hats": "Chapeaux", "warp.ranch": "Ferme de Marnie", "warp.secret-woods": "Forêt secrète", "warp.wizard-tower": "Tour du sorcier",

// mountain "warp-section.mountain": "En montagne", "warp.adventurers-guild": "Guilde des Aventuriers", "warp.bathhouse": "Spa", "warp.quarry": "Carrière",

// beach "warp-section.beach": "À la plage", "warp.tide-pools": "Cuvettes de marée", "warp.willy-shop": "Poissonnerie",

// island "warp-section.island": "Île Gingembre", "warp.forge": "Forge", "warp.island-farm": "Ferme de l'île", "warp.dwarf-shop": "Magasin du nain du volcan", "warp.field-office": "Bureau local", "warp.leo-house": "Maison de Leo",

// desert "warp-section.desert": "Désert", "": "Casino", "warp.sandy-shop": "Magasin de Sandy", "warp.skull-cavern": "Caverne du Crâne",

/* * Time tab / "time.title": "Temps", "time.freeze-inside": "Arrêter le temps à l'intérieur", "time.freeze-caves": "Arrêter le temps dans les grottes", "time.freeze-everywhere": "Arrêter le temps partout", "time.time": "Heure", "time.time-frozen-message": "Temps figé",

/* * Advanced tab / "flags.warning": "Utiliser cette section à vos risques et périls !\nCela peut causer des problèmes tels que des mails, événements ou quêtes non déclenchées.", "flags.quests": "Quêtes complétées", "flags.wallet": "Objets du porte-feuille", "flags.unlocked": "Zone débloquées", "flags.unlocked.guild": "Guilde des aventuriers", "": "Chambre : {{name}}", "flags.unlocked-content": "Contenu débloqué", "flags.unlocked-content.dyes-and-tailoring": "Teintures & couture", "": "Centre communautaire", "": "Porte déverrouillée", "flags.jojamart.membership": "Adhérant au Marché Joja",

/* * Controls tab / "controls.title": "Contrôles", "": "Vous pouvez modifier les boutons affichés à l'écran dans les fichiers de configuration des mods CJB Menu de triche et Menu du clavier virtuel.", "": "Ouvrir ce menu", "controls.freeze-time": "Arrêter le temps", "controls.grow-tree": "Faire pousser les arbres", "controls.grow-crops": "Faire pousser les culture", "controls.grow-radius": "Distance de croissance autour du joueur", "controls.reset-controls": "Réinitialiser", "": "Appuyer sur la nouvelle touche..." } © 2021 GitHub, Inc.

Pathoschild commented 3 years ago

@Aminato01 Thanks for the help! It'll be in the upcoming CJB Cheats Menu 1.29.