Stardust-Labs-MC / Incendium

A popular Minecraft worldgen and adventure datapack for the Nether
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Potential integration with the Piglin Proliferation mod [Enhancement] #79

Open flowerfugue opened 4 months ago

flowerfugue commented 4 months ago

Describe your enhancement/improvement, with context and reasoning.

Hi, I'm one of the developers for Piglin Proliferation, a mod that adds new types of piglins and tweaks to vanilla piglins - I'm wondering whether you'd be interested in us integrating the mod's piglin variants with Incendium structures? (Almost certainly on our end since it's be easier to modify the data that way)

I'm submitting this as an enhancement request because I wanted to ask about my specific compat ideas to check whether they fit in with Incendium's design! :)

For example, both of us have a 'Piglin Alchemist' - ours is a healer piglin themed around brewing that throws healing, fire resistance and strength potions at other piglins during battle, and fights with a bow, which it can also use to shoot healing arrows. From the wiki page here, yours seems very similar, but with a lot more potions and being a piglin brute variant instead of a piglin variant.

It feels weird to have two mobs with the same name but different function, so I was initially thinking of ways to merge them into one by modifying our alchemist when Incendium is installed, but I think they're probably too different in concept? My idea now is to rename one of them if Inecndium is installed, maybe ours could be the piglin witch doctor or something? I'll have to think about that more.

Our other piglin variant is the Piglin Traveler, a wandering piglin that can be found in camps all across the nether. This gave me the idea to add a new decoration to the Piglin Village which is like one of the traveler's camps but more of a campsite, since they're "settling down" in the village for longer. Does that sound good?

catter1 commented 4 months ago

Hello, thank you for reaching out.

I will directly answer your request first: at the moment, this is not something we're interested in. We are currently planning a huge rewrite of Incendium, where many things (including the piglins) will function differently than they currently do. Therefore it does not make sense to add compatibility with the current status quo when it will (hopefully soon) change dramatically.

When this does make sense to address, there will be some things to discuss before we agree to it. As you mentioned, we do have piglins that have the same name, and similar functions. However, as you also said, they don't exactly fit. Your alchemist is more of a healer (like a witch in raids), whilst ours is more of a juggernaut. We would have to figure out if they should actually be combined, renamed, or whether they would actually fit inside of Incendium's structures. This can be approached once we get to the stage where it makes sense to discuss it.

Again, thanks for reaching out, and for doing research beforehand.

flowerfugue commented 4 months ago

Thanks for your reply! I'm looking forward to the rewrite, and yes we can discuss all of these details at the time :)