StardustMotion / 8bdm-classic

inspired by original Mission Mode, aim to be a base mod to produce classic PvM megaman adventure to 8BDM
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resource 7 : screws #11

Open StardustMotion opened 1 month ago

StardustMotion commented 1 month ago

used to purchase

  • the expensive parts
  • from other players (economy) :
    • resources
    • equipments
    • consumables

obtained via

  • selling to other players
  • finishing a stage
    • the amount is fixed, increased for LV2/LV3 stages
    • reduce if acts are skipped via consumable
    • gain an extra flat screw gain the first time you clear the stage on the server and without a skipper
    • similar to exp, increase with % completion. Differs in that screw is given on stage complete rather than act complete.