hi doing debug i read papyrus log a lot of missing scripts, this generates an error in the log just reaching the loading screen.
see reproduce list is too long
Game Version
English (EN)
New Game
Reproduction Steps
[11:41:24] Cannot open store for class "TestElectrifiedWaterTriggerScript", missing file?
[11:41:24] error: Unable to bind script TestElectrifiedWaterTriggerScript to (001E9B90) because their base types do not match
[11:41:24] Cannot open store for class "ENV_Temp_SetPlayerGravityScaleScript", missing file?
[11:41:24] error: Unable to bind script ENV_Temp_SetPlayerGravityScaleScript to (00000007) because their base types do not match
[11:41:24] error: Unable to bind script LC088_DefensiveBatteryScript to LC088_LvlShip_DefenseBattery_Gamma (00046F61) because their base types do not match
[11:41:24] error: Unable to bind script sq_outpostcargolinkshipscript to OutpostCargoLinkShip02_Template (00219042) because their base types do not match
[11:41:24] error: Unable to bind script LC088_DefensiveBatteryScript to DefensiveBattery_Laser_Template (002251EE) because their base types do not match[
11:41:24] error: Unable to bind script sq_outpostcargolinkshipscript to OutpostCargoLinkShip01_Template (00255CC6) because their base types do not match
[11:41:26] Cannot open store for class "BQ01_BarrettSceneBackupScript", missing file?
[11:41:27] Cannot open store for class "SQ_ENV_OnHit_Burns", missing file?
[11:41:27] error: Unable to bind script SQ_ENV_OnHit_Burns to SQ_ENV (00248D20) because their base types do not match
[11:41:27] Cannot open store for class "MQ305PlayerShipPilotSeatScript", missing file?
[11:41:27] Cannot open store for class "City_NA_Well01_QuestScript", missing file?
[11:41:27] error: Unable to bind script City_NA_Well01_QuestScript to City_NA_Well01 (0027071C) because their base types do not match
[11:41:27] Cannot open store for class "SQ_GenericCrewAliasScript", missing file?
[11:41:29] Cannot open store for class "OutpostShipbuilderTerminalScript", missing file?
[11:41:29] error: Unable to bind script OutpostShipbuilderTerminalScript to (00299418) because their base types do not match
[11:41:29] error: Unable to bind script sq_outpostcargolinkshipscript to OutpostCargoLinkShip01_Template (00255CC6) because their base types do not match
[11:41:29] error: Unable to bind script LC088_DefensiveBatteryScript to DefensiveBattery_Laser_Template (002251EE) because their base types do not match
[11:41:29] error: Unable to bind script sq_outpostcargolinkshipscript to OutpostCargoLinkShip02_Template (00219042) because their base types do not match
[11:41:33] error: Unable to bind script ENV_Temp_SetPlayerGravityScaleScript to (00000014) because their base types do not match
if you guys could clean this up.removing references to the missing scripts or creating dumy scripts.i just dont want to crawl through those errors trying to find my own logs
hi doing debug i read papyrus log a lot of missing scripts, this generates an error in the log just reaching the loading screen.
see reproduce list is too long
Game Version
English (EN)
New Game
Reproduction Steps