Starfish-develop / Starfish

Tools for Flexible Spectroscopic Inference
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Issue with setup.ipynb #133

Closed christinagilligan closed 4 years ago

christinagilligan commented 4 years ago

I downloaded Starfish on two different machines using pip install astrostarfish and am having a few issues on both a Mac and Linux machine.

From setup.ipynb, it fails at

In [21]: download_PHOENIX_models(path="PHOENIX", ranges=ranges)
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-21-29ddd29709c1> in <module>()
----> 1 download_PHOENIX_models(path="PHOENIX", ranges=ranges)

TypeError: download_PHOENIX_models() got an unexpected keyword argument 'path'

So I went in and read what the function should be doing and changed it to what's in the example where the function is defined and this seems to be working.

In [28]:         T = [5000, 5100, 5200]
    ...:         logg = [4.0, 4.5, 5.0]
    ...:         Z = [0]
    ...:         Alpha = [0, -0.2]
    ...:         params = product(T, logg, Z, Alpha)
    ...:         download_PHOENIX_models(params, base='models')

After this, I kept going with what's in setup.ipynb and it threw another error creating the hdf5 but I think this is because I don't have anything defined as ranges. Is there a newer example that I should be using to test out Starfish? It could also be me doing something wrong from my end.

mileslucas commented 4 years ago

Hi, thanks for trying Starfish out!

The version on PyPI is out of date; the documentation is what is current on the master branch. You’ll need to

pip install git+

I’m currently unable to release a new PyPI version because one of the dependencies hasn’t released a new version itself, but I’m working on getting around this.

Can you try what I posted and see if it works then? The Starfish.__version__ should be 0.3.0 (no -dev0).

christinagilligan commented 4 years ago

The whole setup works for me now! Didn't notice that the version wasn't correct before since I assumed from pip it would be the standard one which wasn't a good assumption. Massimo Marengo told me about this code so I'm looking forward to test it out for some of our spectra.