StargateInvasion / SGI

Stargate Invasion is a mod for Sins of a Solar Empire.
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Force Reduction #114

Open eljeffeg opened 5 years ago

eljeffeg commented 5 years ago

Force Reduction with a focus on including high poly ships. TBD means we have no high poly for that model.

So right now our standard is

I'm thinking we cut this down by half so:

Checkmarks used to indicate PBR completed

Human Ship List:






I scrapped Mallacores high poly Ares class for the Low poly Claudius as I like the design of it more. I decided to go with 4 for Frigates and Cruisers because I think the tau'ri race will have to be heavily ability focused.

Asuran Ship List:





I decided to scrap both the Destiny and Seed ship because I ran out of room and it would make no sense that the Asurans would recommission a 10000 year old ship I had to scrap some nice looking models so again if any of you want a specific model let me know

Goa'uld Ship List:






Spirit-Warden commented 5 years ago

Well I don't know if old Tom, Dick or Harry can comment on this but.

Ra in his Cheops class ship would make a good choice for a 5th Goa'uld hero. Also having the Ha'tak and Amuduat as their Capitals would make more sense IMO. Then scrap either Ha'Tel or Mel'tak to make room for the Cheops as a Crusier.

As much as I like the idea of the Korolev, I do think making a 5th Tau'ri hero SG1 themselves in a stolen Tel'tak, able to 'Ring' aboard any non-Hero, non-Titan ship and capture it, would only only be a great reference to the SG1 team of course, but add more variety to the Tau'ri other than grey blocks. Not to mention capturing alien tech is kinda what the Tau'ri do, it's there thing xD it would just have to have a very long cool down to balance it out.

I'd also suggest buffing the Tau'ri hero ships, their damage isn't high enough I don't think to justify their low shield and hull, especially when lore wise they have the latest Asgard tech equipped.

Also with the City-Ship Titan, maybe replace Replicate Ogren with Colonize.

Spirit-Warden commented 5 years ago

Also I can actually think of very good reasons why the Asurans would use the Destiny and Seeder style ships.

Other than the City-Ships, Destiny is the other other Ancient vessel known to have a Stargate on-board, which would allow very quick moment of constructed Asurans and nanites between planets, perfect for populating a world and stripping their resources.

The Seeder Ships contain Stargate factories, the Asurans using them to autonomously construct new gates and plant them on worlds to which they could use the on-board gates of a Destiny or City-ship to get to would I think, make a lot of sense.

Plus I never really thought the Romulus ship looked all that great, its design just doesn't fit or look very Ancient, unlike the other made-for-the-mod ships. And at least the Destiny is an actual Ancient Ship.

eljeffeg commented 5 years ago

Good thoughts and thanks for the input. We're also shifting over to a new graphic system "shader" that will improve the looks considerably (used by Sins Remastered). This is separate from the increase in mesh polys. Should be impressive, but we can't field all the assets at that level with the Sins engine, hence the force reduction with expanded ship abilities.

Spirit-Warden commented 5 years ago

I understand, it all sounds quite exciting and I can't wait to see where it goes. I just have my fingers crossed the Cheops makes it in, it's just so iconic <3. And if the Romulus does stay I'll miss Destiny of course for obvious reasons, but when it comes to the Goa'uld ships the Cheops is more important I feel. The Ha'tel could be removed to make room for it purely because the red pyramid slightly detracts from the uniqueness of the Apophis/Sokar ship.

I don't know if this will help but you might like to contact a Youtube Channel named TrekYards. They have some of the 3D models from the show, I don't know how many but I know they have the F-302, BC-303, BC-304 and the Aurora Class. They're probably too high poly for Sins but could be used for reference material at least.

Also you mention expanded ship abilities, that has me super curious and also it might mean what I have to say is pointless but with the current Tau'ri hero ships, the Odyssey has Activate Asgard Core which give the ship some nice buffs, might I suggest merging the Asgard Core ability into the Activate ZPM ability?

My logic is that the Asgard Core in canon is for data storage and retrieval, matter materialization and time dilation. The ZPM is the device that increases the ships's overall power. And combining the 2 together would buff shields, weapon range + cooldown, phase speed etc etc.

Then the ability can be Activate ZPM for the Odyssey, Daedalus and the Engine boost ability on Apollo can be replaced with Activate ZPM too. On a different note just for the Tau'ri hero ships, I'd suggest a buff of maybe 10k Hull+12k Shields for the BC-304 and 4k Hull+7-8k Shields for Prometheus.

As for the Asgard Plasma Beams, I controversially think they could actually receive a light damage buff but balanced out by making it very late game research that needs many other research projects finished first, and limiting which ships have the Asgard beams only to the BC-304 ships, Hero-BC-304's and the Titan.

In further relation of the Asgard Beams, a very old build of the mod that had the Wraith and Asgard, the Asgard could research Asgard Plasma Beams too. I understand the logic, if the Asgard hadn't committed racial Seppuku they likely would have equipped themselves with the Beams. But as it stands only the Humans had the ability to construct them and I think giving them to the Asgard would detract from the Tau'ri. From my understand of the mod the idea is that the Asgard are Vanir who've turned good? It would make sense for the Humans to withhold the Asgard Beam technology from them, considering the trouble they caused.

Lastly I just would like to say, if you ever need music from the Original Stargate movie or Stargate Continuum let me know. I have the soundtrack discs and can get you the tracks in FLAC or MP3.

Spirit-Warden commented 5 years ago

Oh boy I'm going to feel like a pest but I had a thought and I have to at least get it out there. How about making the Tau'ri Titan, Atlantis? Since the human's have control of it, the Asuran's just have generic City-Ships.