StarlaneStudios / vscode-comment-anchors

⚓A Visual Studio Code extension that adds support for comment anchors 🔭
MIT License
206 stars 32 forks source link

Default anchors are not colored #161

Closed altuga closed 1 year ago

altuga commented 2 years ago


vs code version : 1.68.1


{ "editor.suggestSelection": "first", "vsintellicode.modify.editor.suggestSelection": "automaticallyOverrodeDefaultValue", "editor.renderWhitespace": "none", "editor.renderControlCharacters": false, "files.autoSave": "afterDelay", "editor.unicodeHighlight.allowedLocales": { "_os": false, "_vscode": false, "tr": false }, "breadcrumbs.enabled": false, "editor.unicodeHighlight.includeStrings": false, "editor.unicodeHighlight.ambiguousCharacters": false, "editor.selectionHighlight": false, "commentAnchors.tags.list": [

    "tag": "ANCHOR",
    "iconColor": "default",
    "highlightColor": "#A8C023",
    "scope": "file"
    "tag": "TODO",
    "iconColor": "blue",
    "highlightColor": "#3ea8ff",
    "scope": "workspace"
    "tag": "FIXME",
    "iconColor": "red",
    "highlightColor": "#F44336",
    "scope": "workspace"
    "tag": "STUB",
    "iconColor": "purple",
    "highlightColor": "#BA68C8",
    "scope": "file"
    "tag": "NOTE",
    "iconColor": "orange",
    "highlightColor": "#FFB300",
    "scope": "file"
    "tag": "REVIEW",
    "iconColor": "green",
    "highlightColor": "#64DD17",
    "scope": "workspace"
    "tag": "SECTION",
    "iconColor": "blurple",
    "highlightColor": "#896afc",
    "scope": "workspace",
    "behavior": "region"
    "tag": "LINK",
    "iconColor": "#2ecc71",
    "highlightColor": "#2ecc71",
    "scope": "workspace",
    "behavior": "link"


I can see ANCHOR anchor in color in *.md files. This problem occurs after VS update. Any suggestions?

JordanDi123 commented 1 year ago


Sorry to hear you are having problems! There is another issue, #172 that sounds similar to this one. If you are still having issues please see the most recent from me there and follow the steps produced so we can investigate further.

Thank you!