Closed Starlight-30036225 closed 9 months ago
Selecting a piece has already been created by the 'mouse pressed' event listener here: `public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { //Used for dragging
//gets current mouse pos
int MouseX = Board.MouseX = e.getX();
int MouseY = Board.MouseY = e.getY();
Board.MouseX -= 32;
Board.MouseY -= 64; //tells the display where the mouse is, so it can display the selected piece over the mouse
//Force Mouse to be in range
if (MouseY > Board.BOARD_HEIGHT + Board.MARGIN) {MouseY = Board.BOARD_HEIGHT + Board.MARGIN;} else if (MouseY < 0) { MouseY =0;}
if (MouseX > Board.BOARD_WIDTH + Board.MARGIN) {MouseX = Board.BOARD_WIDTH + Board.MARGIN;} else if (MouseX < 0) { MouseX =0;}
//Convert mouse coords to board coords (plus 3 just seems to work)
MouseX -= Board.MARGIN + 3;
MouseY -= Board.MARGIN + 3;
MouseX /= Board.SQUARE_SIZE;
MouseY /= Board.SQUARE_SIZE;
if (MouseX >= 8 || MouseY >= 8) {return;} //gatekeeping if mouse is out of range of array
Board.SelectedPiece = Board.Board[MouseX][MouseY];
if (Board.SelectedPiece == null) {return;} //not clicking a piece
//Sends piece to server
client.sendMessage(PacketHeader.SELECT_PIECE, Board.SelectedPiece.getLocation());
Translating the mouse position into a board location is a bit messy, I might need to come back later with and look into why 3 helps but isnt quite right.
Now onto the server:
` private void HandleSelect_Piece(ConnectionHandler Handler) { String Location = Handler.readNextString();
//seperate location into x and y components
int x = Character.getNumericValue(Location.charAt(0));
int y = Character.getNumericValue(Location.charAt(1));
String CompositeMoveString = ""; //will hold all possible tiles the piece can move too
for (String Move :game.getPossibleMoves(x,y)){ //loops through all moves found from pieces function
CompositeMoveString += Move;
//sends all moves back to client
Handler.sendMessage(PacketHeader.POSSIBLE_MOVES, CompositeMoveString);
The getPossibleMoves function is handled inside the piece class and will return an list of 2 character strings. (Not completely implemented yet. This should be returned straight back to the client.
As the move List is send to the client as a string instead of a a list, the first thing i need to do is extract it. So after receiving the Possible_Moves packet header, the client calls this function:
` private void SeperateMoveList() {
//move list is recieved as one long string
List<String> MoveList = new ArrayList<>();
String PossibleMoves = readNextString();
for (int i = 0; i < PossibleMoves.length() - 1; i += 2){
MoveList.add(PossibleMoves.substring(i, i+2)); //takes every set of 2 characters and adds them to the list
Master.receivePossibleMoves(MoveList); //sends resulting list to master object
Then the master object has a very simple job, just set the possible moves list to the received list:
public void receivePossibleMoves(List<String> possibleMoves) { Board.possibleMoves = possibleMoves; Board.frame.repaint(); }
It also takes the opportunity to redraw the board, this doesnt matter until I implement highlighting the possible moves. Which I will open as a new issue.
When the player selects a piece, I want the server to return the possible moves that piece could make. These moves should then be displayed to the screen.