Closed Starlight-30036225 closed 9 months ago
For this development I have created a new base board state:
Fen: (2qk4/8/8/8/8/8/8/R3K2R)
By the rules listed above the king should not be able to castle left as long as the queen is in place but should be able to castle to the right.
Neither king nor rook can have moved:
Like I have done with pawns, I will create a new boolean to check if either piece has moved yet.
To be able to set this to false after a move I need to override the move function in both. This is a miniscule change for now:
@Override public boolean move(Piece[][] board, String NewLocation) { if (super.move(board, NewLocation)) { FirstMove = false; return true; } return false; }
As this is quite complex, I will move it into its own function.
I will leave the responsibility to request a castling to the king, as it would look no different inside a rook.
` private boolean Castle(Piece[][] board, List
int counter = 3; //Starts the counter at 3, as the rook must be atleast that far away
boolean valid = false;
while (counter + x < 8) {
if (board[x + counter][y] != null) { //if there is a piece here, if its not a rook this check fails
valid = (board[x + counter][y].white == white && //Is piece same colour
board[x + counter][y].getClass() == Rook.class); //is Piece a rook
if (valid) {
moves.add((x + 2) + "" + y); //adds the move to the list
added = true;
if (x - 3 < 8 && //checks in any passed space is in check
isLocationSafe(board, this, x, y) &&
isLocationSafe(board, this, x - 1, y) && board[x - 1][y] == null &&
isLocationSafe(board, this, x - 2, y) && board[x - 2][y] == null) {
int counter = 3; //Starts the counter at 3, as the rook must be atleast that far away
boolean valid = false;
while (counter - x > -1) { //Keeps the checks inside range
if (board[x - counter][y] != null) {
valid = (board[x - counter][y].white == white && //Is piece same colour
board[x - counter][y].getClass() == Rook.class); //is Piece a rook
if (valid) {
moves.add((x - 2) + "" + y);
added = true;
return added;
I know its bad to have this much repeated code but shhh
This should check both sides for a rook, if it finds one and all spaces are safe it will add the move to the list
I forgot to check that both the king and the rook have not moved
Lets do that quick.
((Rook)board[x + counter][y]).FirstMove);
if (!FirstMove) {return false;} //Can only do this on first move
should do fine
Now lets see if it detects these as possible:
Now lets tell the king when its castling so it knows to update the rook.
` int StartX = this.x; //Saves X to check later int newX = Character.getNumericValue(NewLocation.charAt(0)); boolean AttemptingCastle = (abs(StartX - newX) == 2); //If this piece is moving 2 spaces, its castling
if (!super.move(board, NewLocation)) {return false;} ///Gatekeeping
FirstMove = false;
if (!AttemptingCastle) { return true; }`
Inside the move function, I am checking the distance between the starting and end location of the kings move. If it is 2 spaces, it must be a castle.
If its not trying to castle, it can leave the function here and ignore whats coming next
`int RookDirection = ((StartX - newX) > 0) ? -1 : 1; //Finds which side the rook is on
//You know there is going to be a rook or this move wouldnt have been possible
while (board[x + RookDirection][y] == null) { //scans that direction for the rook
RookDirection += RookDirection;
This finds the rook
Rook rook = (Rook) board[x + RookDirection][y]; //Get the rook rook.move(board, this.x - (((StartX - newX) > 0) ? -1 : 1) + "" + y);
Then this should tell the rook to move to the other side of the king
Lets test
Thats not right...
The rook doesnt want to move
I've found the problem. Because at this point, the king has already moved the rook thinks its illegal to get to the other side of the king. So im going to need to force the move. Thats fine.
board[rook.x][y] = null; rook.x = this.x - (((StartX - newX) > 0) ? -1 : 1); //Place the rook on the other side of the king board[rook.x][y] = rook;
This should do it
Much better
Now lets get rid of the queen and test the other one
Crap baskets
while (x- counter > -1) { //Keeps the checks inside range
this subtraction was the wrong way round. Fixed now
Castling is going to take a lot of work, as there are a lot of things to check to see if it is possible.
The rules of castling are: -Neither king nor rook can have moved -The king moves two spaces towards the rook -The rook moves to the opposite side of the king -The king cannot move past a space that is in check -The king cannot be in check -There must be no spaces between rook and king
Getting the spacing right for this is going to be tricky