After a move has been made, the Gamemaster checks all pieces to see if both players have legal moves. If either player has no legal moves, the opponent wins.
for(int file = 0; file < 8; file++) {
for (int rank = 0; rank < 8; rank++) {
Piece temp = board[rank][file]; //Gets piece at location
if (temp == null) {continue;} //No piece here
//Stops redundant checks, only one legal move needs to be found
if (temp.white && whiteLegalMove) {continue;}
if (!temp.white && blackLegalMove) {continue;}
if (temp.white) { whiteLegalMove = !temp.getLegalMoves(board).isEmpty();}
else {blackLegalMove = !temp.getLegalMoves(board).isEmpty();}
if (whiteLegalMove && blackLegalMove) {break;} //stops searching when legal moves have been found
if (whiteLegalMove && blackLegalMove) {break;} //Can only break one loop at a time, and there is two. Forgive the repetition
There are plenty of checks to ensure this only repeats as far as it needs to.
When a player is found to have won, all connected clients are sent the WIN packet. This packet contains the winning player.
Players can now win the game.
After a move has been made, the Gamemaster checks all pieces to see if both players have legal moves. If either player has no legal moves, the opponent wins.
There are plenty of checks to ensure this only repeats as far as it needs to.
When a player is found to have won, all connected clients are sent the WIN packet. This packet contains the winning player.