StarlingGraphics / Starling-Extension-Graphics

flash.display.Graphics style extension for the Starling Flash GPU rendering framework
MIT License
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Too many stroke objects #15

Closed Oldes closed 11 years ago

Oldes commented 11 years ago

Hi, it's me again:) I've noticed, that when I call just:

g.lineStyle(20, 0xFF0000) g.lineTo(100, 0); g.moveTo(0, 100); g.lineTo(100, 100);

in the g's container I will have 2 stroke objects. Woudn't it be better to have just one in such a case?

jonathanrpace commented 11 years ago

Yeah - currently the Stroke class can only represent a single, unbroken line.

There's no reason it couldn't be made to handle gaps - it would certainly be more performant for situations like yours.

I'll stick this on my todo list - though no promises I'll get round to it anytime soon!

Oldes commented 11 years ago

It would be big performance boost with complex shapes. But I understand that your usage scenarios are probably different;-)

jonathanrpace commented 11 years ago

If using the Stroke class directly, you now have access to stroke.addBreak(). So two unconnected vertical lines could be drawn like this

var stroke:Stroke = new Stroke()

stroke.addVertex( 0, 0 );
stroke.addVertex( 0, 100 );

stroke.addVertex( 10, 0 );
stroke.addVertex( 10, 100 );

I've not got round to implementing this via the graphics API yet. I'll close this issue once this is done.

jonathanrpace commented 11 years ago

This has now been added with the following commit

Be aware that a single Stroke can only support a single lineStyle. Multiple calls to lineTo() and moveTo() will use a single stroke until one of the lineStyle() functions are called, at which point a new Stroke object is created and you lose a little bit of performance. So if you're drawing loads of lines, batching similar colours/materials together will give you much better performance.